DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta


Jesus is King

Male | 26
Last Login Date
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DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 1 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 2 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 3 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 4 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 5 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 6 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 7 DrewBaby is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Big & Tall/BBW
Hair Color
Native American (Indian)
Church of Christ
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
My interests? I like to stargaze and think about stuff. I like to make art, so like drawing, digital art, painting and coloring. I love to ride horses but I haven't riding a horse in such a long time. I love cooking. I like being outdoors. and I do enjoy
About Me
Well... I'm a Humble Gentle Giant. or as my mom says to other people, a "Giant Teddy bear."I'm really a shy person, but I've noticed working in the security workforce. I've come out of my shell a lot, so I'm not so awkward/ shy as I used to be. and I've developed some social skills too, which helped. a lot of people said I'm liek really intimidating when they first see and meet me in person because of my bulky body and height. once a person told me he was intimidated by me until he heard my voice and said "Oh you have a soft voice," and I was like "yeah I do haha😅" so that makes me feel abit better lol.

I'm a born-again Christian ✝️ and I have been baptized in my teenage years. but just not long ago, I just gave my life to Jesus Christ our Lord. so I'm looking for a God-fearing woman. in which we may life our according to God and devote ourselves to christ. and hopefully build a family. I know my children will be tall since my family is all tall. so I want to make Nephilim Giants lol jk 😜. no, but forreals, doe my kids will be tall. alright, enough of this lol this kind of cringe, lol.

Idk, I've never been in a relationship before, so I don't know how to do things. I don't mind the long distance. I'm a Celibate, and I want to wait till after marriage only because I want to honor God in this way and follow his words from the Bible.

Also, I watch anime and geek out on The Pop Culture. so I'm like a nerd, lol.

idk what else to put on here, I guess I'll chill and wait for people to message back, but I do doubt I'll get a response.

‭‭The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
First Date
I would love to share music and take the time to listen to them. Go watch a movie. Go have some tea/ coffee. Go for a walk and spend time with each other. and something romantic would be lovely 😊
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Any Age.
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