TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington



Male | 56
United States
Last Login Date
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TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 1 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 2 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 3 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 4 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 5 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 6 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 7 TJ4037 is Single in Spokane, Washington, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Church of Christ
Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Helping Others
The outdoors, hunting, fishing, crafting, relaxing, helping others, fishing some more, mycology, not mixing those two, and gold panning, Expedition Unknown on Discovery plus
About Me
me? tall, not lanky, but skinny; balding but respect to the beard, I wear glasses, 420 friendly, hard stuff, no. I have a past, who doesn't, but I am transparent with who is able to gain my trust in conversation. I'm weird, but tolerable on the most part. I warn most that I am hard to live with at times and I'm serious. I do have ADHD and I am Bipolar as well and I actively manage both by keeping life on the comical and more reserved side. My transparency depends on the conversation I suppose. So if you happen to still be reading this, and I haven't shared you off yet, then send me an invite or visa versa, however this new 'approach' to my interest in a friend. I am damaged a bit, but not broken. I am not needy, yet I am for a solid relationship because I do not have time for any drama but sometimes cause it myself like an idiot. Or maybe cause I like the making up part,I don't know, but I also don't know how long I can write in this profile. I can go on, but then We'd nothing to chat about. I am random, and I do rabbit trail in conversation and would like to be able to have that someone actually chase some of those rabbits trails with me but help me find my way out too. I love watching movies, I love my service canine, Clairice and she helps keep me a nice guy because she is a nice, friendly dog
First Date
I Suppose That Would Be A Topic For A Chat
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Any Age.
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