SeekerOfGodsKingdom is Single in Cromer, New South Wales


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Male | 45
New South Wales
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SeekerOfGodsKingdom is Single in Cromer, New South Wales, 1
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A Marriage Partner
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Every week
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Sure, why not
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My Profession
Web Developer, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Artist
Bible, Visual Art, Singing, poetry, Mountain bike riding, ministry, beach, nature, reading, writing, karaoke.
About Me
Shalom God's beloved princess :)

What brought you to such a place as this? Maybe like me, sometimes you ponder what a blessing it might be to share this wondrous gift called life with that special somebody!?

I believe everything in this life is a gift from God, and so my heart is first and foremost reserved for Him. As a Christian, I believe that the most important thing in this world is love. Jesus has shown us what true divine love is, and His love also lives in every heart where His Spirit is made welcome. I believe that love is the only foundation upon which anything worthwhile and eternal is built in this life, everything else is like building sand castles on the seashore.

I am a kind of contemplative creative thinker type. My Myer-Briggs personality type is INTJ. I can come across serious, but have a playful side too. I love good conversations, especially about the deeper things in life! I often prefer listening to speaking. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, however, I don't get bored being just alone with God. I enjoy the small beautiful things in life. I like to spend time in nature doing things like mountain biking, bush-walking, etc. I like to travel and explore new places and cultures. Finland is my country of birth, but I have lived most of my life in Sydney, Australia.

I seek to adhere to biblical moral values and ideals. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, and I believe it is black and white regarding issues like sex before marriage, abortion, homosexuality, astrology, etc. However, things like spiritual pride are also abhorent to God. I seek to not be the kind of person that is quick to throw "stones" of judgement. I believe the love of God is for all people, and we are all wretched sinners without the help of Jesus. I don't agree with many things that some Christians believe, for example I don't believe there is any solid biblical foundation for the idea that some will suffer eternal torment in hell. Either those that don't make it to heaven will cease to exist, or they will eventually be restored into harmony with God. If you are interested in reading more on that topic, I have written a few articles relating to it on my website at:
Writing is something I am passionate about, I sense it is my calling, and seek to pursue that passion.

Even though I live in a large city, I'm quite down to earth, and sometimes dream of living on a farm. Have enjoyed doing volunteer farm work in the past. Organic food and farming is especially of interest. At the moment there are only a few things growing in my little vege-garden, such as lettuce and tomatoes. I find the simple way of life lived by people like the Anabaptist Amish very attractive, and I have actually spent some time living in a similar Christian community.

If I ever get married, I would only consider marrying somebody that is a serious Christian. I say "if" regarding marriage because I am happy to spend my life single and using the freedoms of singleness for kingdom purposes. However, I believe marriage is also an awesome blessing from God, and some thing I am very open to. I trust that if it is God's will, in His perfect timing He will send the right companion with whom to travel alongside through this short earthly journey. But if God has plans to reserve me more completely for Himself, then I am fine with that too!

I am not interested in diving quickly into a deep "dating" relationship. I believe in starting with friendship, and seeing where things lead from there. So if we meet or chat, I don't expect anything more than friendship. Friendship in itself is already a beautiful thing. A revelation I once wrote down on friendship is this: "The fabric of a fulfilled life is woven from threads of friendship".

What I�m doing with my life
-Working on a Christian book/art digitization project.
-Volunteering as a Scripture teacher in a local public school, which is 1 to 2 lessons per week, teaching the Bible to Children is something I love very much!
-Helping with the running of a small family vacation rental business.
-Writing about things related to God, and His amazing truths!

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Books: Bible, and Christian literature, I love old illustrated Christian books, I collect them...
Movies: Ones with a nice story, that inspires...
Food: Healthy food that tastes good... Especially a fan of organic food.
TV: Don't have a TV, and grew up most my life without one, and prefer to live without one...

You should message me if
"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." (Proverbs 31:10)
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." (Proverbs 18:22)

The Bible speaks of a man finding a wife, and never the other way around. I might be a little old-fashioned in these matters, for example, I think ideally it is the man who should ask a woman to dance. In the same way, here on the internet I think it is ideal for a man to initiate contact with a woman, after all, online discussions are a form dancing with words.

I mention this, in order to avoid offending any woman by not replying to their "dance request". I believe that it is for us men to suffer such rejections. But I am not a slave to tradition either, so if you feel compelled to write me a message, feel free to do so!

Anyway, here is how I would describe an ideal woman:

-You are a mature Christian lady, who has already travelled some years with Jesus at the reigns of your heart.
-You have come to know Jesus deeply and intimately, and your faith in Him has grown strong through battling in His strength the many trials of life!
-You have a deep inward beauty and purity, that stems from an intimate relationship with God.
-Your inward beauty is exhibited by your holy life, which is dedicated to honouring God supremely in all things.
-You are at peace with yourself, your past, your present, and your future.
-You are disinterested in the superficial and vain pursuits of this world, such as social status, fancy clothes, luxurious living, hair color, etc.
-You have been gifted with wisdom, both from the Spirit, as well as from life experience.
-You are a fighter, you will make a stand rather than shy away from your fears.
-You are faithful in the little things.
-You love to keep fit and take care of the body God has blessed you with.
-You are well-humoured, happy, and overflowing with life, and enthusiasm.
-you have a heart heart that radiates Christlike gentleness, humility, and faithfulness.
-You are blessed with a creative and intelligent mind.
-You are open and honest, yet tactful and sensitive.
-You love children, and see motherhood as a holy and Honorable role in the universal scheme of life.
-You have joyfully embraced your God given femininity, and have not let your sexual identity be robbed or poisoned by the attacks of ungodly influences. Such as secular media that often portrays female success and happiness as being independence and freedom from men, leading many women to become more career-driven, than than family focussed. Godless influences seek to make women more masculine, aggressive, and fearful of being submissive. I see godly femininity as a collection of qualities that are naturally stronger in women, a gentle tenderness, delicateness, nurturance, emotional intuneness, a sweet spirit that is not afraid to submit or surrender to a man's loving protection and provision.

When it comes to outward appearances, like hair/skin color, etc. I don't see them being of primary importance, but of course on a biological level, it is good for there to be some kind of sparks of chemistry, after all, marriage is also a physical union of two people. But the sparks shouldn't be kindled into a blazing fire of passion until within the safe boundaries of marriage, right? I am ready to wait until the marriage altar for the first kiss.

Anyway, I know that it is vain to seek perfection in this world. But I believe that two people can be perfect for one another.
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