CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts


Divorced. Looking for my “till death do us part” partner.

Female | 45
United States
Last Login Date
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CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 1 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 2 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 3 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 4 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 5 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 6 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 7 CMBlessed78 is Single in Brockton, Massachusetts, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
Immanuel Baptist Church; Brockton, MA
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Testing Coordinator/Customer Service
God, family, friends, seeking God’s will, loves cats & dogs & small animal pets, loves card games & board games, going out to eat, trying new food, likes to cook but have to have a clear recipe, loves movies & binge watching tv shows, loves walks
About Me
I am over a year from signing the divorce papers, but only a few months post the divorce being final. Just getting my feet wet with the idea of dating. Not interested in long distance dating. New England area & New York is fine.

I am at a point in my life where I want real. I don’t want to date anyone unless I think they could be a potential life partner. My “till death do us part” partner where we share in church service and almost everything we do.

Divorced mother of 2 girls (over 18). Bonus mom to my daughter’s best friend who is in the Navy. I go to church every Wednesday & Sunday. I am in the choir, help out in nursery, and help out with the 2-5 year old Sunday School & Wednesday night classes (helping 2-3 times a month depending on the cycles). I go to as many church activities as I can at my church and other churches. I work full time at an elevator company as the Testing Coordinator. Always try to make time for my friends and family.

I am not the type to say hey lets go here for a walk or an adventure, but if someone else is going & invites me, I’ll probably go. I prefer being home, but like going places and experiencing things.
First Date
Ideally, I want to start as friends and build from there. I would want the first date to be casual. Coffee, take out, walk in the park. Save the big dinner dates for anniversaries and special occasions. Keep it light, fun, & relaxing.
Account Settings (To message CMBlessed78 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 40 to 55.
Must not Smoke.
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