OnlyInTheLord is Single in SPRINGFIELD, Oregon


Holy Matrimony Only In The Lord

Male | 38
United States
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OnlyInTheLord is Single in SPRINGFIELD, Oregon, 1
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Grace in Halsey
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
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Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
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Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
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Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, poking respectful fun of people and organizations that are off their rocker, lol. Reading, prayer, discussing the things of God, music, singing, cooking, nature walks,
About Me
Since this is a Christian dating site, I think the place to start is the Gospel. A shared belief in the biblical Gospel is after all the foundation of a truly Christian marriage. Besides, the Bible says that if anyone teaches any other Gospel, let him be anathema (damned to hell), so it’s a fairly serious matter of being sure we get the Gospel right.

It may sound like I’m about to start preaching to the choir, but trust me, I’m not. Many professing Christians don’t have much depth in their understanding of biblical Christianity, if any. And the last thing a born again soul wants to do is get hoodwinked into a relationship only to find out later that they are unequally yoked, which can of course happen anyway; but we ought to do our best to see to it that there is a soundly Christian basis for so intimate a relationship as marriage. So let us first be reminded of what the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is. For some of you this will be evangelism, and may God use it to bring you to a genuine faith in Christ!

The good news is only good news because it is the remedy for the bad news. The bad news is the worst possible news there could be: that we’re sinners; that we’re by nature enemies of God (Rom 8:6-7; Jn 8:42-47), and headed towards everlasting justice from God in hell (2 Thes 1:8-9). That is all He owes us, legally speaking. The good news is that God in mercy came and experienced hell and death as a substitute for sinners so that sinners can be counted righteous by God, though we are not.

No one escapes hell by being good enough. There are no good people, as judged by the law of God. (Is 64:6, Rom 3:10-22, Ps 51:5) Likewise, no one escapes it by their natural effort of faith. That is again an attempt to be good enough. A person is made right with God and saved from vengeance in hell solely because Jesus Christ took their place. (Is 53:3-12, Rom 3:20; 5:1, 10, 18-19) So then, Christian faith is not faith in our own faith or in our performance, but it is faith in Jesus Christ, Who He Is and what He Has done. (Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12)

Genuine Christian faith is not a natural human ability. It is a free gift of God that comes when we are given a new heart, a spiritual resurrection, which likewise is a free gift of God (Eph 2:1, 8-9), a miracle performed by God the Holy Spirit in all those for whom Christ died. So, soli Deo gloria.

The new heart that God gives produces a turning from sin, obedience to God according to His word, and love for His people, and a heart-level genuine faith in God the Father. Again, these things don’t earn a person salvation from hell and a place in heaven (Rom 3:25). They are rather things that are produced in a life that has been resurrected from its spiritual death in sin.

That then is the good news of the Gospel: the free gift of forgiveness and righteousness that God gives to whom He will (Rom 3:23-25, Acts 13:48, Eph 1:3-7, Rom 8:29-30). If you have not entrusted yourself to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life, won’t you do so today? He is your only hope of being made right with God.

Do you believe this Gospel of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you layed aside your efforts or ideas of being good enough for God to let you into heaven? Then what more do you need to know about me? We are both genuine Christians and have a sound basis for a relationship.

Marriage was designed by God to be a lifelong commitment of love between a man and a woman, and that’s what I’m looking for. I want to find the love of my life and cherish her all the days of my life. People know me as someone who is incredibly patient, and I am very loyal; not perfect by any means, but seeking to be well pleasing in the sight of the Lord, and a blessing to others.

I have a passion for the Bible, Christian music, and prayer. I enjoy skiing, cooking, nature walks, and many things. I would honestly like to try everything there is to do in the world that isn’t sinful, but I have yet to scratch that off my bucket list, haha.

I’m choosing to include at this point that before I became a Christian I had a girlfriend and a child. Christianity is pretty much what ended the relationship. We never married. She rejected Christianity and turned to other men rather than turning to the Lord and being restored to me. I choose to include this detail here instead of in my profile details above for justifiable reason. Many people jump to conclusions and automatically write off profiles after a momentary glance at a few profile details, but I deserve to be heard out and considered, and not just dismissed or rejected based on a brief list of one-word profile details.
First Date
Coffee or dinner, go on a walk together
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Any Age.
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