Erikb101 is Single in Mebourne, Western Australia


Looking for someone serious and loves God

Male | 57
Western Australia
Last Login Date
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Erikb101 is Single in Mebourne, Western Australia, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Church of Christ
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church of God m
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Project Manager/ CONSULTANT
cooking,traveling,,hiking,play golf, watch soccer
About Me
If you're genuinely looking for a long-term relationship with a cultured, respectable, faithful man & you think that we may be compatible, then I invite you to contact me, you will be treated with courtesy & respect. Incessant small talk, I'm not about that! I have high standards and boundaries, know my mind & what I want which I think we all do.

I'm seeking an emotionally mature woman with fully functional, impressive “parts”, vibrant libido, capacity & desire to begin our beautiful future, with weekly scheduled intimate/pleasure dates for perpetuity. I want oodles of passion, a future together filled with never-ending sexual deliciousness.
We need to ascertain if we are even moderately compatible, before ever considering meeting in person & to do that we both need to have answers to our questions.
If you are as intentional & sincerely searching for your Last First Date as I am, if you are strong enough and confident enough to handle my determination, then I invite you to begin this fascinating & exciting journey with me.

I adore going for rides out & about into the country; exploring townships/ cities; breathtaking scenery; singing; cooking; doing personal development/growth reading & activities; puzzles; traveling; camping, and hiking!

I love a woman snuggling up in my arms; listening to music; holding hands; chatting about this 'and that; sharing our feelings/needs to ensure we both feel safe & happy together, working through our individualities, and differences with love, compassion, kindness & respect.
I will acknowledge, celebrate, support, respect & encourage my woman in her dreams, pursuits, activities & individuality; I need her to be The woman I desire & I need to respect her, hear her out & have her back- just as I need her to respect me, hear me out & want to me protect her, so that we complement each other well. I need us both to take private alone time.
I need him to acknowledge, celebrate, support, respect & encourage me in my pursuits & activities, too. I need my man to want to negotiate with me around issues, boundaries, goals, values, etc that are pertinent to our relationship.

I will commit to her always saying what I mean, being straightforward, meaning what I say, taking responsibility for my own needs & feelings, using calm, peaceful & respectful Compassionate Communication, and needing her to treat me in the same way.I will commit to her to speak clearly & directly about what I need from her & she will know that she can trust that what I'm saying is what I mean. I would ask that she do the same for me.

I want the excitement/anticipation of me coming home and she's having butterflies because she can't wait to be in my arms holding her tight, sinking into my embrace, feeling safe with me.

I'll love together, sharing funny or beautiful things that we've seen or heard, romantic candle-lit dinners, drowning in his eyes & smile.
I am playful, naughty, intelligent, serious/silly, compassionate, confident, loyal, faithful & very affectionate.

I want us to discover activities that we can join in together.
First Date
The woman that I'm seeking is demonstrably loving, honest, loyal, faithful, respectable & respectful; desires a lasting, monogamous, growing, delicious & committed relationship; has strong self-love, self-esteem, self-respect & has made at least a start to her healing process from life's wounds & traumas; has a great sense of humor, is intelligent, caring, compassionate, articulate, emotionally mature, into personal emotional development & healing; cares as much about my feelings as I care about my feelings; takes care of herself physically, mentally, emotionally; is authentic, genuine, honest, trustworthy, respects me, herself & her word.

I wish to find my final first date, to connect with her & to merge our lives, finding that we both have matured & healed enough from life's wounds & pains so that we can be all that the other needs and wants.
I will care about her feelings as much as she cares about her feelings. I wish that we be in total alignment with each other's life goals & dreams; wish that we discover that we both share similar, compatible values, that we both have emotional & character maturity, as well as a huge amount of chemistry; wish that we are both dedicated to a life of improvement & growth.

Do I match the characteristics that you are seeking in your desired man?
Do you possess the characteristics that I'm seeking in my desired woman?
Account Settings (To message Erikb101 you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
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