Davidforhisglory is Single in London, England


My profile is long for a reason! 😉

Male | 45
United Kingdom
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Davidforhisglory is Single in London, England, 1 Davidforhisglory is Single in London, England, 2 Davidforhisglory is Single in London, England, 3 Davidforhisglory is Single in London, England, 4
Eye Color
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Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Tell you later
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
I'll tell you when we speak on a call
Too many to put!!
About Me
UPDATED...18th July 2024.

Hi/Buenas! (soy bilingüe, asi que sin problema si no hablas ingles. Porfi, ponlo en un traductor este introducción para decidir si quieres seguir leyendo🙏).


Ok, so in the end this is a blog. Hahaha. But it's me. Save your 5 free CDFF messages and take 5mins to read about me if you find me attractive and want to know me a little before sharing your WhatsApp/Telegram user ID.

My profile is a filter. A STRONG filter. You will love it or hate it.

I'm David. For those interested in it, I'm an ENTP (very self-aware with highly developed Fe as well. Great, huh?!) and if you're into you know what, well I'm a 5w4. Lucky me.

I'm biligual, so my bio is part in English and part Spanish. Just for fun!!😜😂 If you don't speak English or Spanish at a high level to be able to have a deep conversation on a video/voice call, I'm really sorry but I don't think we will be good together long-term. Expressing oneself freely and understanding someone is crucial for me.

Sobre mi: Londinense, bilingüe, soy musical, activo y solo me interesa matrimonio (no busco solo una novia temporal ni relación "long-term" - whatever that means ).
Sobre ti: No prácticas yoga, te gusta reír, puedes conversar racionalmente, eres seria y tonta, eres congruente con tus creencias.

VERSIÓN LARGA....el resto.

*****I'm really sorry, but I don't do "let's be friends and see what happens" or "let's pray and see what God says after I get to know you and have already become emotionally attached to you". *****

****If you want an international connection, then please make sure you have not put limitations on your account settings to your own country....The website won't allow me to message or favourite you! Same applies for age restrictions. 😉"

*** It doesn't take a lot for me to be content in life. That said, I have a lot of hobbies and interests and want to share things with someone special. So If you aren't musical and/or sporty, or at least interested in exploring new things/activities together (yes, even in small towns/provinces in the middle of nowhere), then probably we won't match well for a marriage. I know I need a playmate/partner in crime with a sense of humour and spirit of curiosity as that's my personality and I can't change that. 😉***

Te voy a pedir tu WhatsApp/Telegram y hacemos una videollamada después dos días de mensajes por acá. Hay mucha gente que quiere atención pero no tiene intención de realmente conocer a alguien y quiero invertir mi tiempo con gente seria.🙏 En Telegram se puede usar y compartir un usuario para hacer llamadas y mensajes etc. Así que no hay excusa de "no querer dar mi número a desconocidos".

Prefiero no intentar a engañarte solo por las fotos (Sí, toco el saxo entre intros instrumentos). Ni hablar de mis pasatiempos varios, vida deportiva, mis intereses intelectuales y sentido de humor maravilloso 😜. Ni hablo de la espiritualidad y corazón de David que tengo. No no no. No pongo nada de eso acá. Jaja. Hablamos y te cuento más sobre mi.

Quiero que leas mi perfil y me conoces como alguien más profundo que un hombre cualquiera en una aplicación de citas (no solo cara, cuerpo y él que cumple una lista de requisitos). Algo de mi personalidad y como sonará mi "tono" cuando hablemos 😉.

Tener química no es complicado, para nada. Pero creo que para tener algo real que dura se requiere tiempo invertido y hablar con vulnerabilidad desde el principio sobre los deseos, experiencias, expectativas y los compromisos necesarios cuando dos personas se unen sus vidas a nuestros edades. Ya hemos tenido experiencias con relaciones que al final terminaban por una razón u otra(s) y debemos saber algo de lo que estamos buscando/queriendo (como Dios nos guía cada una en su forma distinta 😉)

Si te preguntas ¿por qué este hombre escribe en español? es porque después de vivir casi 7 años fuera y hablando español diariamente (aunque aún muy Tarzán 🤣) me gusta seguir con el idioma. Ojalá tu también hablas español, quizás no hablas inglés. Síiiiii, te puedo hablar en inglés si quieres, pero no me dejes perder mi español!

Gracias por leerme. Quizás te escribo en un ratito. Jaja

Ahora algunas cosas importantes.....

****if you're on a dating site looking for male friends, sorry, I find that weird and it's best we don't start chatting. If you find someone attractive, get to know them and see where it leads...maybe to friendship only after a few virtual dates, but please don't look for "friendship first" thinking you're being spiritual. All you're doing is keeping options open and playing with people's hearts if they like you and you don't return the affection during your "friendship". 😘****

****Yes, I will will visit you in your country and move there and continue to get to know you and spend time together in person. if you want to live there long term, No problem at all.*****

**** All of us have baggage from past relationships. We all have a story and life experiences. We've all made mistakes. But...if you're not emotionally available or you have trust issues (especially sharing your number or photos online/Whatsapp) , we won't get along. Sorry.****

****This is super important, sorry if it offends you:
I know you love God. And you live a pure life. Holy and without sexual sin. And yet you do want intimacy with someone and to share your life (what's left of it) with someone in marriage. I get it. But....
If having a husband is not enough for you, even after ALL those years of being single and "waiting" for God to "send His best" in "His time", if you're in your late 30s/early 40s and you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, I'm sorry, it sounds like your reason for marriage is so you can be a mother, not a wife, and I don't think think that is healthy mindset. If right now your brain is saying "I want both", well that proves my point. You are rejecting good, Christian men because you have a plan, and all you're doing is creating a worse situation for yourself. When you get old enough your plan with change and then you will realise that you have been single for no reason...you decided to be single because you wanted perfection. You said you wanted a man to lead but you didn't want to follow. Sad😥

Besitos 😉
First Date
Let me not even go there, but spontaneous is never wrong, or boring! 😉
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