sje1 is Single in reno, Nevada


My life love.

Male | 64
United States
Last Login Date
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sje1 is Single in reno, Nevada, 1 sje1 is Single in reno, Nevada, 2 sje1 is Single in reno, Nevada, 3 sje1 is Single in reno, Nevada, 4
Eye Color
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Looking For
Church Name
rocky peaks
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Building maintence
About Me
Well im just a average divorced guy with papers after 22 yrs, just looking around after being single nine years. She also passed 7 years later.
Fairly laid back and back working in Lahaina march 15th. I live up in Lahaina luna.
Then Sparks NV.
It's kinda difficult getting back to dating especially when married young(er) 23, but here goes.
I like science hobbies, my microscope, antiques, my slow cooker and electric tooth brush, hiking Maui, the Karroo desert.
Vintage anything! Valentine cards,. Mountain and desert cabins, poems, writing, cheese making, fudge MM, gardening, fireplaces in tree houses, long angel kiss's, scarf covered candle light.
OK, now...School wise about 7 yrs, vocational Tec. senator, Science club founder, majored in math and science, with a tennis minor.
I think music and how people handle their finances tells a lot about the person so music wise, i like early classic rock and roll, Stones, Clapton, Grateful Dead, CCR, Jefferson Airplane, Big Band and some Starship,Cowsills, Bowie, 60's type and some but limited up to recent.. im not a head banger.
Money wise i live small, i cook most of the time, but do like going out.
I've been up and down the west coast of Africa. Kinshasa Brazzaville D.R.C river area through Namibia Angola to beautiful Sierra Leone, and other forgotten lands where empires have returned to sand. California Concord, S.F, Berkley Piedmont, Rockridge, Oakland area, Oregon Albany Portland, Rock wood, Dexter area, lived ten yrs in west Maui lahaina just got back, Guangzhou and Kaifeng China.
I hope to find a sweet lady for more than just dating, kind'a get the idea?
ok now, someone who likes holding hands, rolling in the tide 'East of Eden' type kisser, , OK not all the time. Maybe sunsets on maui?
Cafes and parks and the like.
Deeper than a wishing well and kinda cute too! lol
Fun Facts
I have no facebook, snapchat, or twitter accounts and still use a flip phone.
Ok if you can guess my name, you win a silver ring.
Here's a really good clue...there are approx. 351.517.463 people in the U.S....and i'm the only one.
Thats just part of my fun nature.
And it really is a everyday name.
Music Classical, Classic Rock, Country/Western, Folk, Gospel.
Movie Action/Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller.
Favorite TV shows I love lucy, Lost in space, retro movies.
Outdoor activity, Gardening, Horseback riding, Photography, Sailing, SCUBA Diving, Swimming, Tennis, Traveling/Sightseeing
Indoor activity Art, Collecting, Cooking/Culinary arts, Dancing, Music, Restaurants,. im not tell'in.
Favorite restaurants Adagio, Longhi's, Roundtable pizza!
Schools attended Victor valley college, los medanos college.
Timeliness I am usually early
Do you find first dates kind of awkward, lets start on the second.
Cafes, hot chocolate and cake mmmmm, most anything, you tell me.

Please, if your a princess, Diva, Queen, or bad girl your way too good for the likes of me, have cat-box mouth (that means a mouth full of shi_,), have tats, your a a drunk, a biker or bar babe, your on dozens of favorite lists, shopping is a favorite hobby, your a loud mouth sports fan, phones glued in hand, or you have a gender identity crisis (men who dress as women)
------------ ----------------- ---------- ------------ keep going.
Im not looking for a second, third or forth place position,
And hope your not ether.

My children are way over 18.
I still swing in trees-with the sharpest objects i can find.
I'm 100% debt free.
Im not a 100% good boy.

Hope to hear from you.
First Date
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Any Age.

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