Lorna7777 is Single in Belfast, Northern Ireland


Female | 57
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
Last Login Date
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Lorna7777 is Single in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1 Lorna7777 is Single in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2 Lorna7777 is Single in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 3
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Cinema, travel, cooking, sightseeing, coffee ☕️ addict, love politics, architecture, antiques, gardening
About Me
Firstly it’s Jesus Christ in my life. I believe for a relationship to work, he must be at the centre and the couple must be of the same faith. We are not to be unequally yoked.

I believe in all the word of God and that includes, do not commit fornication. I don’t believe in sex outside marriage, so if there is anyone has that inclination please do not contact me!!!! I have never been promiscuous even before I gave my life to Jesus and I am not condemning someone who has been, that is between them and God, but for me it has always been important not to. I am thankful to my mummy who instilled that value in me.

My family are a very important part of my life. Affectionate and loving is definitely how I would describe myself, extremely domesticated, so I guess I definitely don’t fit into the feminist movement 😁.
There is no way that I am desperate for a relationship, I have no problem being alone and I am not lonely, for me it’s better to wait for God’s best than to accept someone not compatible with my faith and values, that is settling for less than we deserve, that doesn’t mean I am not open to meeting my soulmate, I certainly am, it is just I will not just settle for anyone. It’s not all about the outward appearance of someone either, I am certainly not shallow, there’s got to be more to someone, for me, than a great physique and handsome face, I am not saying that attraction isn’t of importance, it definitely is, you need that spark ⚡️but for myself personally I need more than just outward appearance, Someone who loves and lives for Jesus is of the utmost importance, to me if they are not 100% committed to Christ I am not interested, it’s like water and oil they don’t mix. I look for a person who is affectionate, loving and a good communicator, someone who has a good sense of humour, really important, you can laugh together and talk about any differences, not being argumentative, who you can have a really intelligent conversation with.

God is the one who will choose the person he has for me not myself, he chose Boaz for Ruth and Rebekah for Isaac, he is the matchmaker.

Yes I take really good care of myself and my appearance is extremely important to me, no I don’t want to wrinkle 😂I walk six days a week, no I don’t enjoy it, so I am not looking for a exercise, keep fit addict. I am small and and if I put weight on it would easily be apparent. I enjoy chocolate and junk food 😁 but I eat healthy four days every week again to keep my weight stable, very much love chocolate and do I count down the days until my healthy diet is over 😂. I don’t intend to grow old gracefully 😉but looks fade, your partner can gain weight, does that mean you stop loving your spouse? It’s falling in love with someone’s heart.

I thank God for the wonderful parents he blessed me with and through watching them and reading God’s word I have learned what true love is.

Do I truly believe in a Proverbs 31 woman? Yes!! Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the Lord shall be praised.

I don’t fall in love easily, I prefer getting to know someone, watching their walk with Jesus, character their compatibility. I try to avoid confrontation at all costs, but I will make a stand, for something I believe in.

I follow politics, I don’t follow a particular party, but will base it on the person who is elected, I like strong leaders with strength and backbone, not someone who will pander to the media, just to get elected. Sometimes to do the right thing you have to stand alone. I don’t like leaders who try to be politically correct and are afraid to stand up for what they believe in and to do what is right for their country and especially for God’s word which is practically nonexistent today.

The Nation of Israel 🇮🇱 holds a special place in my heart. I 100% stand for Israel 🇮🇱 that’s something I am passionate about and will never apologise for, It’s biblical and any Christian who knows the word and doesn’t support Israel, isn’t obeying his word. Israel burns like a fire in my heart. I will always speak up for Israel 🇮🇱

Anyone with a fake profile, don’t waste your time with me, I am not easily scammed, won’t send pictures and I certainly am not desperate to fall in love!
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Age between Any Age to 51.
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