EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas


Male | 34
United States
Last Login Date
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EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 1 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 2 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 3 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 4 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 5 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 6 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 7 EvanNagel is Single in Irving, Texas, 8
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Baptist Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Geography, volunteering, baseball, house plants, farming, The Bible, evangelism, exercise, etymology, & YouTube.
About Me
I am on this website with the intention of finding a wife and getting married. For me, it's about building a meaningful and lasting relationship based on honesty, trust, and mutual respect. I prefer to avoid games or drama and rather build a connection with someone who shares similar values and aspirations.

I am passionate about Jesus, and my faith is the cornerstone of my life, guiding me in every aspect. John 3:16 holds a special place in my heart as my favorite Bible verse. I read and believe in the King James Bible, finding its words to be deeply meaningful and that God preserved His Word in the King James Bible for English speakers.

I also enjoy preaching the gospel and going soul-winning, sharing the message of faith and salvation with others. I'm learning Spanish to preach the gospel and connect with a broader community. Sharing my faith in another language is both a challenge and a blessing, allowing me to reach more people with the message of salvation.

Marriage is something that I look forward to with great anticipation. It is incredibly important to me, and I firmly believe in its sanctity. I am strongly against divorce for any reason, believing that a strong and committed marriage is built on love, trust, and mutual respect.

I currently work in the transportation industry. However, I am that I am studying to transition into a new and thrilling career in Information Technology (IT).

I find immense joy and fulfillment in collecting and caring for house plants as a hobby. It's not just a hobby for me; it's a passion that brings a sense of tranquility to my life.

I enjoy going to the gym to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Recently, I've started learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

I enjoy a variety of genres when it comes to watching movies and shows. I particularly love indulging in Christmas movies, finding joy and festive spirit in these heartwarming stories. Documentaries pique my interest, offering insights into different topics and expanding my knowledge base. True crime shows intrigue me, delving into real-life mysteries and investigations.

Pet Peeves: Littering, not putting your grocery cart away, being rude to fast food workers (they are hard workers!), and that person that spends 10 minutes buying lottery tickets.
First Date
A good first date, in my opinion, would involve getting coffee or going out to a restaurant. These settings provide a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for us to have meaningful conversations and get to know each other better.
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Any Age.
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