Gingersnap0023 is Single in WILMINGTON, Delaware


Single is cool and all until I need to move the furniture.

Female | 42
United States
Last Login Date
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Gingersnap0023 is Single in WILMINGTON, Delaware, 1 Gingersnap0023 is Single in WILMINGTON, Delaware, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Church of Christ
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Greenbank Church of Christ
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Church of Christ
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Finance Manager
a lot of things, just ask.
About Me
I’m 41 and with God’s blessing, hope to become a wife and mom someday real soon, so I won’t waste your time. I don’t play games, and I won’t break your heart. I’m looking for the man that God is preparing me for, and a man who will walk with me through the rest of my life.

I want a man that is gentle and kind, and who can love me through my insecurities and imperfections. I am a very active member in the Church of Christ and I am looking for a man who will bring me closer to the Lord and help me when my faith grows weak.

I love kids, in a former life I was an elementary school teacher (aka my 30’s), currently in finance. I have my masters degree, and I’m smart, so I want a man who respects me and doesn’t talk down or “man-splain” it to me. And yes, I have been with “that guy”. I’m willing to be a stay at home mom, or work full-time, depending on the needs of our family.

Currently I live alone with my Great Dane pup, Cookie, and work from home a lot, so some days the only humans I see are on a screen, (video call) so I’m excited to have a man who loves me to come home to, and someone I can be vulnerable with, because after being a tough independent woman all day, I really just want to come home to a man I feel safe with and tell you all my silly work stories, snuggled up on the couch.
First Date
I’ve had quite a few first dates, so I’m a lot more interested in the you that comes out after the butterflies are gone and we really connect with each other. We all have a past, but what do you want in your future? That’s the question.
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Any Age.
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