I hate your covid mask
- Gender
- Male | 50
- Country
- United States
- City
- Cincinnati
- State
- Ohio
- Height
- 6'0"
- Last Login Date
- Click here to learn more
- Age
- 50
- Eye Color
- Blue
- Body Type
- Muscular
- Hair Color
- Brown
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Denomination
- Non-Denominational
- Looking For
- A Marriage Partner
- Church Name
- No answer
- Church Attendance
- No answer
- Church Raised In
- No answer
- Do you drink?
- 1 or 2 on occasion
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- No way
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Undecided/Open
- Education Level
- Some College
- My Profession
- Management
- Interests
- God,Wisdom,The Universe,Outdoors,Indoors,Animals,Target practice,Holistic methods,Relaxing,Kung fu/Ninjutsu,Long-hard-deep-intense-vigorous-passionate...sleep-it does a body good :-)
- About Me
I don't have my head in the clouds-so that means I'm aware of my flaws and don't measure a person's value by their social-material status.
Have respect and note that YOU MUST HAVE 2 PHOTOS TO GET A REPLY- Face photo and waist up (like I did).
-Not your covid mask face) or dark sunglasses,dog's/cat's face,favorite food,flowers,sunset,landscape,cartoon character,etc)You can send them private-which is an option for those women who don't want to post public photos-just include them with your message.
This isn't about looks only-it's about being fair and transparent.
Many scammers on this site-If you're reading this now because you already sent me a message and I didn't read it and deleted it-You now know why...probably because you didn't follow my rule about the photos.
Outside the box thinker...from different angles.A slight defiant edge and sometimes not so slight depending on the situation.I often rebel against traditions and trends because only cowards do something just because it's popular.
In reality,there is no "perfect match"-anything worthwhile is going to take some work and there's going to be something that you won't agree with,if you spend enough time with them...but guess what?Maybe that's a good thing because it could be that you need someone to push you out of your comfort zone and into the right direction :-)
I'm required to be professional at my job-but,I don't enjoy being serious all the time...I can be very free spirited and love a good joke.
And for women who have amnesia/short term memory loss-YOU MUST HAVE 2 PHOTOS TO GET A REPLY OR YOUR MESSAGE WILL BE DELETED.
Thank you :-)
- First Date
- Account Settings (To message Nitroinfusion you must meet the following criteria.)
- Age between Any Age to 54.
- Appears on 212 members favorites lists
Send an abuse report regarding Nitroinfusion's Language, Images or other account details
If you suspect this member is a SCAMMER or is being deceitful PLEASE CLICK HERE and let us know so that we can check them out