- Gender
- Male | 37
- Country
- United States
- City
- Troy
- State
- Michigan
- Height
- 5'6"
- Last Login Date
- Click here to learn more
![outlander51 is Single in Troy, Michigan, 1](https://photos.christiandatingforfree.com/thumb_cache/2024/1122/480x/u_id_6896539__480x480__width_height__20241122060205__%28%7C%29usr%406896539%402024-11-22%28%7C%2983a9e55b9f748eb2c81056dc23954df9.jpg)
![outlander51 is Single in Troy, Michigan, 2](https://photos.christiandatingforfree.com/thumb_cache/2024/1122/480x/u_id_6896539__480x480__width_height__20241122060222__%28%7C%29usr%406896539%402024-11-22%28%7C%290affd14dc5a9d2e7c435fb916afea971.jpg)
![outlander51 is Single in Troy, Michigan, 3](https://photos.christiandatingforfree.com/thumb_cache/2024/1122/480x/u_id_6896539__480x480__width_height__20241122060242__%28%7C%29usr%406896539%402024-11-22%28%7C%297e9a1ce1b0347cb93a376ffb7d00cf89.jpg)
![outlander51 is Single in Troy, Michigan, 4](https://photos.christiandatingforfree.com/thumb_cache/2024/1122/480x/u_id_6896539__480x480__width_height__20241122060254__%28%7C%29usr%406896539%402024-11-22%28%7C%29337d49409522d6d537c9423dcc9d47d8.jpg)
![outlander51 is Single in Troy, Michigan, 5](https://photos.christiandatingforfree.com/thumb_cache/2024/1122/480x/u_id_6896539__480x480__width_height__20241122060311__%28%7C%29usr%406896539%402024-11-22%28%7C%290ae79525980903d51560de374c0c9644.jpg)
- Age
- 37
- Eye Color
- Green
- Body Type
- Average
- Hair Color
- Bald
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Denomination
- Not sure yet
- Looking For
- A Marriage Partner
- Church Name
- Church Attendance
- Every week
- Church Raised In
- Baptist
- Do you drink?
- No
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- Sure, why not
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Want Children
- Education Level
- 2 Yr College Degree
- My Profession
- Disability
- Interests
- movies, tv shows, collectibles, building cars and computers
- About Me
- I am looking for my wife. I believe I have found her. We need to seek God together. I have had habits and hang ups that have held me back in my life. I need the help of a woman to progress I believe. If you could be a help to me we can share with each other.
- First Date
- Cafe And Walking In City Or Downtown
- Account Settings (To message outlander51 you must meet the following criteria.)
- Any Age.
- Appears on 8 members favorites lists
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