Hey it's me
- Gender
- Male | 22
- Country
- United Kingdom
- City
- Brighton
- State
- England
- Height
- 5'10"
- Last Login Date
- Click here to learn more

- Age
- 22
- Eye Color
- Blue
- Body Type
- Average
- Hair Color
- Brown
- Ethnicity
- European
- Denomination
- Not sure yet
- Looking For
- A Marriage Partner
- Church Attendance
- No answer
- Church Raised In
- Do you drink?
- 1 or 2 on occasion
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- Sure, why not
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Want Children
- Education Level
- Some School
- My Profession
- Prefer to Not Say
- Interests
- Philosophy, IT, fishing, religion,
- About Me
- I'm looking for a long term life partner, Im a virgin that is waiting... Probably until marriage, I've been interested in Christianity for about a year and I think the orthodoxy has it about right but no church is near me and I am weak so I don't know.
- First Date
- A walk in the forest or near the sea
- Account Settings (To message Oliver_same you must meet the following criteria.)
- Any Age.
- Appears on 1 members favorites lists
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