Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England



Female | 63
United Kingdom
Last Login Date
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Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 1 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 2 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 3 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 4 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 5 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 6 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 7 Summer_breeze53 is Single in Washington, England, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
I don't want to enter the name of church attend
Church Attendance
Several times a year
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Self Employed
My faith, nature, animals, alternative medicine, music, hiking, cooking, volunteering, cycling, swimming...
About Me
Do you have a sense of humour? PLEASE have a sense of humour Do you feel decades younger than you are? :-) Do you like beaches and mountains and animals and music and walking and all the simple stuff?? Ok so you're 75% there. Lets figure the rest out as we go along I'm probably looking for friends to start with. Fitness partner? Put the world to rights?? :-) I think there's too much pressure expecting anything else at first. Definitely Not friends with benefits though. Of course ultimately I'd to find Prince Charming lol Being with a man who Loves God and with whom I can pray with and do Everything with as best friends lovers and soul mates, is my absolute dream. I would Love to Love someone again with all my heart and miss him every time we're apart. I don't need that but I'd like it :-)
Well first of all you'd have to Love God with all your heart and have unwavering faith.... love animals, the outdoors, any kind of nature. You can't beat being outdoors somewhere beautiful and natural if you're feeling down. To be awestruck by a field full of cows or a tree or a field full of wildflowers or a mountain :-)
I'm not a tree hugger, I just appreciate the beauty of the earth :-)
I'd like to meet someone who's natural demeanour is a happy one. No moody people please, I can't deal with them they're very difficult to be around lol We can all get down or stressed at times but just being glum for no reason?? I'm sorry for the people who are like that but I've suffered a lot in the last few years and being happy is my goal. As is hopefully making my partner happy (so long as he returns the favour ;-))
I'd like To meet someone who is non judgemental, non dogmatic or highly opinionated. Peace out!!! Lol I suppose my goal to move to the countryside or near a beach soon and maybe have couple of acres. How amazing would that be?? I almost moved to France a few years ago to achieve just that but back then it wasn't meant to be. I lost someone very very close to me in my family and thought I'd never recover. I never will 100% and I have to accept that but I've been single a long time now and I feel I'm ready to find my 'One' :-)
First Date
First date?? Hmmm!! I guess that depends how well the correspondence had gone but maybe just a quick cuppa :-)
Account Settings (To message Summer_breeze53 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 56 to 99.
Must not Smoke.
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