irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England


Irish women are very hospitable !! don't you agree? Go on what you got lose...

Female | 57
United Kingdom
Last Login Date
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irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 1 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 2 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 3 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 4 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 5 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 6 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 7 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 8 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 9 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 10 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 11 irisheyes47 is Single in Portsmouth, England, 12
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
I don't go to church at the moment, as I look after my mum & mornings are not good for her.
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
NONE due to disabilty
Hi i love meeting with new people from all over the world & im interested in different cultures.
I also make my own hamemade cards, I also make jewellery, about a year ago I found a new craft to me it's diamond painting which i will put in my pictures so
About Me
Everybody loves the Irish!!! so do you want to be loved by an Irish lady? I know you will be jumping for joy when you view my profile ... (well that's what I'm telling myself anyway)

Well I'm Irish living in the UK now but i still have my lovely Irish accent

(Please read my church information)

I do go to church which I'm NOT ashamed of it I'm a born again spirit filled Christian who loves the lord with all my heart

I'm looking for a spirit filled christian man who loves the lord with all his heart and will share bible study who will encourage, support and hopefully we can grow spiritually together on our journey whatever shape that might take.

I forgot to say that I have, Paltalk, imo & whatsapp Also I've been told that i have good manners and I'm polite too

I will not answer anyone without a picture as you can see me its only right & fitting that I see you too

May God bring you the desires of your heart

Yours in Christ
First Date
Well i think i would have to kill you in order to tell you what my first date would be
So I would love to do something exciting and very memorable with you such as ice skating (I cant Ice skate just so you know)
I'm open to suggestions :
Coffee is OK too... Incase I've totally scare you off before we even start!!

I must insist on a video call to communicate as I do not give my number over the net... if you wish to chat with me apart from messages on here

So I won't kill you really you know that right .. You know you want to really have fun with a Irish lady


I know that I said that I have a disability called Cerebral Palsey I try to just get on with life and it does effect my mobility somewhat effected but please don't let that get in the way of what could be a fab friendship

My hobbies are making new friends from all over the world also I've started doing diamond painting & I love it so much
I make greeting cards and Jewellery (mostly silver with semi precious stones )I also like reading, going on holiday & the movies
Account Settings (To message irisheyes47 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 47 to 63.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 22 members favorites lists

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