Author Thread: What is it about geeks?

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 22 Feb, 2008 09:14 PM

I'm a geek/nerd/dork. Whatever you wish to call them, and for some reason I feel like girls turn away from guys like us. Why is this? I've been trying to figure out what the problem is, but I can't seem to find it and so I've decided to ask. Why is it women turn away from nerds and geeks and just see them as "friend material".

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 24 Feb, 2008 07:52 AM

Well I think its all about age....sometimes there is just a weird stage you are going threw and you will grow out of it and if your looking for younger girls they like to impress friends and they want to fit in to the group. Im sure you will find the girl who is outside that box. I had a stage growing up where I was a dork but aabout 10th grade I grew out of it....

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 29 Feb, 2008 08:09 PM

Hello Bob,

I think your best bet right now is to make "friends". You obviously (from what your profile says) want someone that you can be friends with. We all want that. But with the kinds of things you are interested in, you have kind of put yourself in a box.......a small box, that only girls of a like mind will be interested in opening. That's not a bad thing at all. You know what you want, which is a lot more than most people know. You will have to have patience because it may be a while before the right one comes along, but there's also a good chance that if you go out and do the things you like, such as the arcades, you will meet someone there who has the same interests, become friends, and then "close" friends. You're doing fine. Don't let anybody tell you different.

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 11 Mar, 2008 05:49 PM

hey man,

I would say not to definitely is an age thing. What the other two repliers have said is definitely true as well and just try to make friends here and there.

Dont let the fact that your certain interests or abilities are considered Nerdy or Geeky!!

Hey..I like Star Wars...does that make me a geek? lol

take care man

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 22 Jul, 2008 01:05 PM

Hey man,

First, you do not need a woman to define who you are or what you are worth. Second, be what you are and as blunt as possible, the hell with anyone who cannot get on board with that.

Why do we have to be defined within a single word? Because we live in America? Look, if there is some type or class of woman out that there that seems to rag on you, then just look at in terms of it being their downfall and know that the true mental disfunction lies within them. Trust me man, give them a good ten to twenty years and then look those women up who gave you grief. Behaving and thinking the way they do and you will see the true definition of a geek/nerd or simply pathetic.

Live and love yourself, I think your cool for just stepping up and speaking out. Peace brother.

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 16 Sep, 2008 01:49 PM

Well, I am all of that too, a geek /nerd /dork.

Always been and think I always will be.

I don't like labels because we human being are too complex to fit into a box with a sticker on it. ;)

But if we talk in labels, so what if you are a geek, some people have decided that it's a bad thing.

I don't understand how. What a lot of people consider being a geek, is too be focused and to love something they don't understand.

That often means that you are really good t what you do at have a lot of knowledge in a particular area.

Too me, that's not bad.

If everyone was interested in the same things, what a boring world it would be!!

I love shopping, haircuts and all that girly stuff a trendy girl of today is supposed to like.

But I also love Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies and when I play computergames I can sit there for 12 hours straight (try not to do that a lot though)

I'm embarrrasing and clumsy.

But that is me and most people around me love it.

Because I'm me.

That makes it easier for other people to be themselves.

It's hard not to be like everyone else, but if you're not, the world miss out of something great: YOU.

No one can be a better you than you.

We have swedish translation that expresses it like this in Eph 2:10:" It is God himself who made us to what we are."

You are you for a purpose.

I am me for a purpose.

I find this hard myself, but God has promised that if you seek his kingdom first, you will get all.

I can't find it at the moment, but the Bible also say that God will give you the desires of your heart.

Not only what you need and what, but also what you desire.

God has so much great stuff in store for you.

You want and need people in your life that doesn't put labels on you, but love you for who you are.

I just realised that and I'm choosing more carefully who to listen to and let in to my life.

You are fantastic, amazing and created in Gods image and He wants to be who you are!!


Ps. Sorry that this is so long, I love writing. Ds.

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 6 Apr, 2009 01:42 PM

Some, if not most of them, have some ideal they want, sad to say. Tall, dark and handsome usually takes the cake, and eventually some will learn that it isn't important to be attractive or charismatic.

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 02:04 PM

I have to agree with Joseph. Look, man. It's all about how you see yourself. Have some confidence. You ever walk around the mall and see some scruffy looking weirdo holding hands with some cute girl? What that guy has is confidence, and that's what will get you farther than the next guy. Don't worry about their rules, or their little checklist because that guy doesn't exist in this world. Be yourself and nothing short of that. Be a gentleman, but don't be a pushover. Confidence is attractive, but make sure that it isn't false confidence. Know what you want, and go after it.

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What is it about geeks?
Posted : 13 Feb, 2010 11:06 AM

Being a geek is cool !! It's not an age thing but rather it is what defines you... if you like being a geek/nerd embrace it. If others shun away from it because of your individuality --then they don't know who you really are and therfore you should find someone who respects you and accepts you.

Most nerds are the coolest I've met, and God loves us in everyway --

Be Blessed and may you find peace --

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