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What is...?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2009 08:21 AM

...God's ultimate will

A lot of people say that God contradicts Himself by Him saying He wants one thing and allows the opposite to happen. Others say that He has priorities, an ultimate Will that overrides everything else.

I've already a guess on this, but, for the sake of not influencing any readers, here's a list of ideas that I have heard (includes Biblical and philosophical notions), but please write what you think it is:

His ULTIMATE Will is...

1) To create.

2) For the death of evil.

3) For others to love Him.

4) That none should perish.

5) That He would be glorified.

6) To watch (not interact with) the world.

7) His ultimate Will...(other).


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Posted : 25 Jul, 2009 07:06 PM

Do you mean like he's only graduated from high school or not even that? I don't think having a certificate makes you smart or wise, so, yeah, I think I would.


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If you didn't agree with another's Biblical beliefs...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2009 08:55 AM

Thank you all. I'm glad to see the responses.

slj3_1 you hit the nail on the head. Those that have been doing exactly what the questions describe are elders. It was the middle one that most bothered me, because it showed an unwillingness to even a different point of view. Praying we both have good results.


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favorite if sayings?
Posted : 22 Jul, 2009 09:09 PM

Don't take a sleeping pill and a laxative the same night.


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Posted : 21 Jul, 2009 11:04 AM

For some reason, my comment jumped over onto another threat. :ROFL::stop::laugh:

have ear piercings from when I was a baby (Mom), but I'm with you. Concerning surgical cuts, the knowledge to heal the body when it is sick is given to us by God. Jesus allowed himself to be scarred, so that His elect would be saved. If it benefits more than hurts--By benefits, saving your life or lengthening it.--(like surgeries to help your heart or fix a nose that before you had a problem breathing through) and there was no other way you could have fixed the problem, I think it obeys Bible. Naturally, this means that, if the government made a stupid law that said you had to have a piercing or tattoo, you still have to obey the law of the law according to the Bible and get one.

Personally, I might be going a bit overboard. I don't think it's right to pluck or have laser hair removal, because it's damaging the roots of the hairs, which is STILL a part of our body. In the end, it's like giving into society when shaving and clothing is available. Anyway, I'm sure others don't agree. *shrug*


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wife work outside the home..?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2009 11:03 AM

...HAHAHA, I'm sorry! I was just under the piercing discussion and this lands here. lollol, ignore it!

lol, since I'm already here. I think that one parent should always be home when the kids are home and this does not mean working on the home computer when they arrive counts. ;)

Women are a helpmate and the husband is the head of the house, so this decision is between them and he should eventually decide. Two incomes wouldn't hurt and would ease the burden on them, even a parttime job. There are many things other than a traditional job that she could do outside of the home to assist him, should he agree, such as once in a while checking out the school to make sure they are teaching right, grocery shopping or running tasks that can only be done during the hours of a normal work week.



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wife work outside the home..?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2009 10:57 AM

I have ear piercings from when I was a baby (Mom), but I'm with you. Concerning surgical cuts, the knowledge to heal the body when it is sick is given to us by God. Jesus allowed himself to be scarred, so that His elect would be saved. If it benefits more than hurts--By benefits, saving your life or lengthening it.--(like surgeries to help your heart or fix a nose that before you had a problem breathing through) and there was no other way you could have fixed the problem, I think it obeys Bible. Naturally, this means that, if the government made a stupid law that said you had to have a piercing or tattoo, you still have to obey the law of the law according to the Bible and get one.

Personally, I might be going a bit overboard. I don't think it's right to pluck or have laser hair removal, because it's damaging the roots of the hairs, which is STILL a part of our body. In the end, it's like giving into society when shaving and clothing is available. Anyway, I'm sure others don't agree. *shrug*


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Not paying ministers
Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 10:35 AM

At Whitehouse Baptist (a church some of my family goes to), they had a preacher that came in, then he went bankrupt, lost his wife and kids, and finally quit. The reason for this is that he was doing things outside of church without a job. Before him, they used to have a policy of paying preachers.

Now they stand by that no preachers should be paid, and they should have jobs to support themselves and their activities, to show that they are capable of holding such a position. They had multiple preachers so I suppose that has helped to maintain this new outlook, sharing and advising each other.


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Disagreements & Arguments
Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 09:19 AM

Thanks and the verses offers the many ways to reach someone. I can't seem to figure out which one to use, because I've done the defending thing (she tends to make false claims on what I believe or attacks my father for what I believe--not her own-way daughter) and done the quiet thing. Guess I'll just have to be patient for when she does it again to point out what she's doing and ask her to stop. After that, I guess I will have to be quiet.


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Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 09:10 AM

Yep. I think I remember a few guys talking about a woman coming here and trying to get them to call a sex line, advertising it.

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