Author Thread: Would you date someone with vitiligo?

Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 14 Nov, 2013 07:42 AM

Please take a look at this recent viral picture of a vitiligo woman who married a man with normal skin:

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause.

I have this condition since I was three years old, my grandfather had it too and is passed down

Although my skin is quite fair the vitiligo spots can be visible. There's no cure and sometimes I feel I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I only had one boyfriend and I'm going to be 26 next year, it's a real downer because men judge you instantly and don't even want to get to know you. If that is the case then god has not really raised godly men from the world.

I'm just feeling pretty you have any words from the bible and advice for me?

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 15 Nov, 2013 05:56 AM

I believe you received the wrong message from my statement about having an illness. It wasnt a comparison. It was a statement that others have illnesses that they feel limit them. As the old saying goes, "I complained about not having shoes, until I saw a man with no legs".

A friend of my grandfathers was severely burned during WW2, but he found a wife. He had almost no face. He had no nose, ears, hair, and had lost one eye. But God created someone for him and they were married for more than 35 years, until his death.

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 11:34 AM


I think all you're doing is proving to yourself that there's a lot of shallow people out there, which in a fallen world of 6 billion people, you're going to meet a lot of that. Being infertile is a deal-breaker for some men, not all (it wouldn't bother me as I want to adopt anyway), neither is having perfect skin. I can't view your profile as it's been removed but your photo isn't ugly, it just needs lifting with a smile.

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 11:45 AM

I'm not proving anything to myself, people act like that with or without me around, why would it be a deal breaker when men don't want to be tied down with children anyways? It seems so hypocritical to me when men act like that. Oh and thanks for rating my looks, that's the only thing you guys know how to do well, you can have my smile shov ed up your @ ss idi ots!

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 01:04 PM

I would.

I have trichotillomania and I understand how it feels to feel like I am the only one who is struggling with something nobody else understands. It's a very alienating and depressing feeling. It has side effects far beyond the ailment itself. Of course it would be wonderful to meet a woman who understands my struggle and because of my personal experience with trichotillomania I try to put myself in the shoes of others when they struggle with something beyond their control, and try to accept them for who they are rather than let myself define them by an ailment.

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 09:44 PM

I dont think it was her illness that made men leave. From her last post, I think it was her rude and offensive behavior.

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 17 Nov, 2013 12:24 AM

Its not worth Apostelle

She was never worth from the first place

This member has been burned from this dating site for being rude after several inbox massages has been sent to her by the admin, warning her for such behavior.

You've been very patient with her Apostelle and supportive too, its unfortunate that your well meant massages were misunderstood.

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Would you date someone with vitiligo?
Posted : 17 Nov, 2013 02:06 PM

Being as the profile wasn't visible, the photo was the only thing I could comment on (positively) and I take back what I said about the smile - you've got more important stuff to worry about than that pic. :rolleyes:

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