Author Thread: Lust or Love?

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 01:32 AM


Why is Song of Solomon in the canon of Scripture? The story is more than 3,000 years old. It tells of how King Solomon discovered a beautiful woman and fell in love with her. There is no mention of God in its eight chapters. In fact, the open expression of sensuality makes some very uncomfortable while reading, wondering if such words should be published in our holy book. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


What is your opinion?

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 09:33 AM

I believe by having the book in the Bible it demonstrates, liberates, teaches, provides hope, and encourages the expression of eros love between a man and a woman in the proper and appropriate context.

It also, :prayingf:demonstrates a story of redeemtion for the woman because she was kind of put down in her life. Solomn vision was quite different, and the stuff others put her down for, he complimented.

:prayingf:Liberates by setting an example and therefore permitting us to behave in a similiar romantic pattern towards our beloved. Also, let's us know we aren't going crazy or really getting sick unto death for having those intense feelings for another.

:prayingf: Teaches it is okay to love like this in the right context toward marriage.

:prayingf: Provides hope that if a partner reads it, (especially in a marital relationship) it might ignite a memory or spark to jump the eros love engine, again?

:prayingf:Encourages the expression of eros and the appropriate conditions. In today's society especially, true romantic expression can be stolen by productivity and logic ruling all things and the cheap imitation of comercialism. This book is an instruction manual of the true beauty, art form, and dance of eros love.

:prayingf:Truly, I thank GOD for it being there. And would be more thankful, with a husband who.... well, you get it?

:prayingf:Darling Bruce (or should I say) Bruce, darling? I know full well from your plastic rose and profile you are a charming, romantic and would guess you have studied and like this book?:ROFL:



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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 05:56 PM

I believe that the book Song of Solomon was put into the Bible for a married couple to study together. It helps their intimacy to grow stronger; they appreciate each other more. I also believe that God wants this to be a model of a Christian marriage - a way to keep the "fire burning" in both husband and wife.

I don't think that this book in the Bible is for single men to read, since it could cause him to lust.

SJC1985 :glow:

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 06:01 PM

So, why do you think that it's in the Bible?!

SJC 1985 :glow:

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 06:53 PM

I have always thought the Song of Solomon was tastefully sensual from a natural point of view. I don't believe anything in God's word would be there unless there was a purpose. I feel if you look a little deeper into it, it is portrayed as an allegory of God's love for the bride. (Church)

Solomon gives us a sensory dialogue. The hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and feeling of the beloved is accurately described as that of a love relationship between a man and a woman.

If Christ is our beloved, truely, we will know Him by the sound of his voice, the sight of His wonders, the feel of His breath acoss our face, the taste of His spirit and the smell of His presence. In all aspects if we truely are in love we cannot wait until the arrival of our beloved in the natural or spiritual sense. Love is like the courtship of the eagle, purposeful, worthy, patient, faithful for life...Lust is that of a buzzard...Here today, gone tomorrow, leaving the remenants for someone else to pick up. So I guess it's your perspective when reading the Song of Solomon which brings me to the thought...just what type of bird are you!


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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 07:43 PM

The Song of Solomon is probably the most sensual book in the Bible which was so tastefully done you just can't put it down until you've read it from cover to cover. I don't believe it would have been authenicated if it were a book on lust. Solomon used the five senses to describe the attributes of love. To see, to hear, to taste, to touch, and to smell the essence of his beloved portrayed the love relationship in every detail.

I believe it can be used as an allegory of Christ and his Church.

When we come to the point we yearn for the magesty of His beauty, anticipate the sound of His voice, relish in the taste of His spirit, long for his rapturous touch, and smell the essence of His presence, then we are truely in love and just can't wait for His return.

Both spiritully and naturally the elements co-exist.

The attributes of an eagle are preparing for the relationship, courting the relationship, proving worthiness of the relationship, protecting the relationship and staying with the relationship.(love) The attributes of a buzzard are here today gone tomorrow...leaving someone else to pick up the pieces. I guess when interpreting the posted question asked, you would have to first discern which type of bird you are in order to get the answer you seek......:angel:


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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 07:46 PM

Sorry for double posting...Well we'll see if they match...I thought I lost the first copy. This one's on me...:ROFL:

What can I say...It was a good book!


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Lust or Love?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 02:01 AM


Why do YOU think Song of Solomon is in the Bible?

SJC1985 :glow:

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 03:21 AM

I dont really know,,,, I would have to think on this one a little longer,,,, and Sometimes my thinker is cluttered up,,,,

This why I asked for your opinions???

I remember the first time I read the song of solomon I couldnt believe what I was reading. I thought I had grab a bible that was miss printed from another fiction love book,,, I was only 18 at the time and of course no one ever taught that book in my Childrens church,,,I dont think they do today either,,, lol.


Excuse me,,, I got a bug caught in my throat,,, Never heard a message from the book in my whole life,,,, he he he .


Pretty grafic for the bible to say the least,,, but concerning marriage,,,,, ???

I have met some people in my lifetime that thought the book was mixed in with the ancient scrolls by mistake seeing it was a writing of solomon they did not want it to be done away with.

We do know that Solomon had a time when his heart was far away from the things of God but I do not believe that this subject has anything to do with that issue,,,,

Yes,,, it belongs in the bible because someone more important than me put it in there,,,,lol,, :peace::peace:

Knowing what you know today I guess the question could be if it was up to you and people knew it was up to you,,, even your pastor and childre,,,,, lol,lol,lol,,,,Would you put it in the bible as you the sole producer,,,, nana,, nana,,, I would have a hard time explaining it to my children,,,,the overseers ,,, the decon board,,,, and anyone else who ask me to justify it,,,, but we dont have that rpoblem do we,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bruce,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :peace: o u t !!

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Lust or Love?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 06:49 AM

I have heard it preached on by different people as a comparison of Christ and his Church (bride) which would make it more palatable to the majority of readers. Kind of a foreshawdowing of Christ's love and return as well as the churches love for Christ. I'm not sure that it was intended as such but it works for me and justifies the book.


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Lust or Love?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 06:11 PM


Is your "thinker" still "cluttered"?!!! You have such a great sense of humor! How do you get it "un-cluttered"? I need to know!!! Mine seems to stay "cluttered"!

Love in Christ,

SJC1985 :glow:

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