Author Thread: an American Thanksgiving

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an American Thanksgiving
Posted : 24 Nov, 2022 08:00 PM

For quite a few years I have studied finances, and I am also intrested in history.

Before America existed, a large number of our citizens were living in Europe. Many of the people were being criticized for what and how they believed so they decided to leave Europe and start there own country. A big obstacle was that there was little to no money to finance the move to America.

The purposed solution to the problem was to gather investors to finance the trip. (For example a man might say that he will provide a 'loan' in the amount of $1,000...but when the Colonists arive to the new country {America} then the Colonists would be required to sell all of the wood that they cut down back to the home country.)

The financial arrangement was known as mercantilism.

Although mercantilism is not pure communism/ is not free market capitalism. Mercantilism restricted free trade. I know that many of us have experenced the devestating effects of what happens when free trade is restricted. (its just diffrent words are being used) But pretend that before the largely manufactured crisis that required people to wear a mask over there face you owned a small restaurant. It was just a small pizza shop but it was a mainstay of the community. And then the 'goverment' told you that you had to shut the store down because the pizza shop was not 'mandatory/essential'. We have experienced a form of mercantilism. And just like its a horrible idea was a horrible idea back then!

Although I enjoy the study of both ecconomics as well as the study of history, I can not claim to have detailed knowledge of why some financial policies are bad ideas...I just try to be aware of the general ideas that fuel the bad ideas. So as you can imagine the Pilgrims did not like being shoved into the financial box called mercantilism.

So just how bad of an idea is mercantilism? (We know that pure communism/socialism is a bad idea, but mercantilism is basicly a system that says 'everyones achivements will be under mercantilism your profit was the same if you raised a 20 pound bird or if you raised a 1 pound bird.) The simple truth is that it is human nature to always be looking for an advantage. As it says in Jeremiah 17:9 -The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?-

So no matter how nice a person may seem to be, that person will naturally put themselves into a higher category than what you are in. (This is one reason why I look forward to JESUS The True KING taking The Throne!)

The idea that the 'goverment' is able to equally divide resources...the idea almost killed the Pilgrims

Since the Pilgrims had signed treaties with the Native Americans, the Native Americans shared food with the Pilgrims.

At this time, I think the lesson that should be learned from Thanksgiving is "how bad of an idea it is to let mankind control another persons future"

But after that first Thanksgiving, the leaders of the colony decided to make a very big, and in their eyes, a very critical change in how the colony operated. Seeing the results of the commonwealth, they chose to replace it with a system of private property. In observing how the commonwealth operated, they noticed the resentment by those who were working very hard only to have the fruits of their labor given to others who chose to not apply themselves equally as hard.

-But after that first Thanksgiving, the leaders of the colony decided to make a very big, and in their eyes, a very critical change in how the colony operated. Seeing the results of the commonwealth, they chose to replace it with a system of private property. In observing how the commonwealth operated, they noticed the resentment by those who were working very hard only to have the fruits of their labor given to others who chose to not apply themselves equally as hard.

-But after that first Thanksgiving, the leaders of the colony decided to make a very big, and in their eyes, a very critical change in how the colony operated. Seeing the results of the commonwealth, they chose to replace it with a system of private property. In observing how the commonwealth operated, they noticed the resentment by those who were working very hard only to have the fruits of their labor given to others who chose to not apply themselves equally as hard.-

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I largely do not care if you celebrate Thanksgiving with Turkey (like many Americans, or if your Thanksgiving meal is squid (like some Italians) Because I think the big takeaway is for you to realize who should not be put in charge!

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