Wisdom is the ability to recognize difference. Alot of trouble is caused when people can not understand the difference between two situations.
Unfortunately the left is often times unable to detect the difference between two situations. Recently a friend of mine posted something about Joe Biden admitting that some people were guilty, that is why thoes people were given a 'pardon'. My friend showed a sign that said "innocent people do not need pardons".
A guy that my friend knows said that the January 6th prisoners must be guilty because they needed to be pardoned. My friends buddy lacked wisdom because he did not understand the difference between a 'innocent person' being handed a 'pardon' -vs- people that were being jailed for no fault of there own receiving a pardon.
The political left and the political right are operating with two different sets of wisdom.
If you and I are thinking of the same female 'bishop', the story is that during the inauguration ceramony there was some sort of 'prayer service'. From my understanding there was a couple of hundred people there. And the female clergy member decided that it was a good time for her to give a personal address to the president. The ladies fake sermon was turned into a list of grievances that she had. The lady was trying to make president Trump feel guilty for declaring that there are not 40 diffrent gender assignments, either your a man or your a woman. If your a man you can not compete in womens sporting events and vice versa. The lady was trying to be declared most convincing actress by saying that there are transgender kids (confused kids) that lie awake at night because they are sacred. The lady did not understand that the approait time and situation for her to air her grievances was not to try to include them in a 'sermon'.
Another example of a lack of wisdom on behalf of the democrats is that the fact they could not understand that protecting the life of a human is more important than trying to protect the life of a small fish. (In California the firefighters did not have an adaquate supply of water because the lefties were trying to 'help' a fish, so the fish was given the water)
In all of the above situations people were not able to recognise diffrence. Maby such stupid actions would not be done if people understood that booth answers are not the same.
I try to live in a Wise manner, which oftentimes translates into "I get to watch other people set things on fire and then I try to put the fire out". That is one reason why I want people to read the book of Proverbs. Did the reader know that Proverbs does not claim to be like other books, rather at the begening of the book Proverbs says 'If you read this book then everything in the world will not appear gray'
The Purpose and Theme
1 The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel:
2 To know wisdom and instruction,
to perceive the words of understanding, 3 to receive the instruction of wisdom,
justice, judgment, and equity;
4 to give subtlety to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion 5 a wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,
6 to understand a proverb and the interpretation, the words of the wise and their riddles.
So society should read the Biblical book of Proverbs...and then they will stop thinking every situation is the same
Just because you see it, that does not guaranty its not a lie
Posted : 23 Jan, 2025 04:34 PM
I would like to share with you an idea that I had a few year ago. I think the idea gives hope as well as lays out a game plan.
It is very obvious that there are two completely different mindsets within America. The disagreements are not just one group wants red carpet while the other group wants blue carpet. One group wants red carpet and the other grope does not even want a building.
Donald Trump has been involved in political office since 2015. Before Trump came along there were a few men that opposed the plans of the deep state but basicly the deep state was like trying to stop a freight train.
(As a side note: the deep state or kazarian mafia had a boss. And that boss took order from a group of negative individuals called the family. I heard that the head of the family died around the year 2012. Any way the kazarian mafia started to make more and more mistakes, because the bosses, boss died.)
The bottom line is a simple idea: What happens when the bull bets into the pen that the billy goat is in?" The simple answer is that the goat will soon be with us no more. The kazarian mafia is like the goat. They were the boss of the goat pen, but when the bull entered the pen then the billy goat was no longer boss.
What I am trying to point out is the goat will soon be on its 'death bed'. Their are a lot of very smart individuals that are prodding Trump to go forward and finish what was started (This group of individuals are referred to as the Alliance. Although the Alliance are the good guys you are probably not going to hear much about them.) So people do not need to worry about what the deep state/kazarian mafia will do in 5 years time.
The kazarian mafia are crafty and underhanded...but they are not all that smart. You know that saying about not putting all of your eggs into one basket? Well the kazarian mafia wants to teach people why that saying exists. The kazarian mafia can not opperate unless they can trick people into funding their evil projects.
-Trump signs executive order directing US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement — again-
The first time we decided to stop giving money to 'the united nations climate body' it was like we cut there arms off. They were loosing alot of blood, so through fraud and cheating they pretended that Joey Biden was in charge. The first thing that the pretender Biden did was he screamed 'Oh no, lets stop the bleeding!' (The guy has 0% poker face.)
-US rejoins Paris accord: Biden's first act sets tone for ambitious approach-
Of course Trump and the Aliance picked up on the subtle cues of Joey Biden and decided to cut the arms off of the united nations for a second time. But the second time that the bank account of the kazarian mafia gets defunded Joey was not there to run around and yell 'Somebody help!' So they had a slightly less senial multi billionaire divert money from one of his fraudulent 'charities' step in and share 'his' funny money
-Bloomberg charity to cover UN funds revoked with Paris Agreement withdrawal -
Just because you see it, that does not guaranty its not a lie
Posted : 22 Jan, 2025 03:58 PM
Just because you see it, that does not guaranty its not a lie
Daniel 9:27
He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.
The antichrist will try try to change the set times will he?
Its kind of like trying to putt a cotton ball in amongst a jar of marshmallows. Or convince everybody to rely on a faulty calendar.
The numeral prefix's are:
7 = septem
8 = octo
9 = novem
10 = decem
September was originally the seventh of ten months on the ancient Roman calendar that began with March. It had 29 days. After the reforms that resulted in a 12-month year, September became the ninth month, but retained its name.
So believing that the month of December is the twelfth and final month of the year is like believing that Joe Biden used to be the president and actually had the power to pardon people.
Perhaps you guys remember 'George Castanza's' idea of making a show about nothing.
Well the associated press decided to publish a 'news article' that was written about nothing.
-Right-wing extremists are celebrating Elon Musk’s straight-arm gesture during a speech Monday, although his intention wasn’t totally clear and some hate watchdogs are saying not to read too much into it. -
It seems to me that the writer wanted to say that 'Elon was preforming a natzi salute' but even the writer knew that the statement was ridiculous, so the writer seems to hope that the reader will make the connection
"Open mouth, insert foot" is an idiom that means to say something embarrassing or inappropriate, often without thinking, which can lead to awkward situations. It highlights the idea of making a mistake in conversation that causes discomfort for oneself or others.
The main stream news media is a business. Its like the health care industry...sure the drug companies are working tirelessly to develop medication for you to take that will cure you so that you will no longer need the drug company!
The medical industry as well as the news media are businesses.
-The false media focus on violence: If it bleeds it still leads-
The concept of 'clickbait' does not just exist online...clickbait tactics are also present on the cbs evening news. Tonight on the news we were told about the 'dangerous decision' that president Trump made to pardon January 6th defendants. Then the news conducted an interview with some profesional that claimed that releasing potential criminals into the general public could be dangerous.
-Republicans struggle to answer for Trump’s pardon of January 6 defendants just hours into his presidency-
Maby I missed the coverage of the potential mayhem that could be caused when Joey O-Biden decided to release (something like) 95% of the inmates that were on federal death row. I try not to be vindictive but I would like to point out that it seems like Joey left the family members of the victums out in the cold.
I sort of enjoy an 'ironic' sense of humor and I think that it is humorous that the kazarian mafia thought that they had arranged thing so that the doom that is about to befall them was finally delayed (as if they had managed to stop the countdown clock) They can listen to the 'tic tok' of the clock with confidence that their days in the sun is soon going to come to an end!
At some point people will need to realize that 'bad people' have 'conveniently capitalized' on the situation in Ukraine
Posted : 16 Jan, 2025 09:06 PM
I wanted you guys to hear someone else explain the phrase 'if it bleeds it leads'!
Its babalonian black magic. That is how the kazarian mafia controlled us for so long...they worked hard to make sure that people were addicted to the story that they were creating. However the babylonian black magic has about run out of 'go-go juice'. Now I just watch their pathetic attempt to remain involved. Its like watching a 90 year old former profesional wresteler tell everyone that he is going to come out of retirment and thump* some skulls (I proably would not mind watching what happens!
At some point people will need to realize that 'bad people' have 'conveniently capitalized' on the situation in Ukraine
Posted : 16 Jan, 2025 05:20 PM
In 2016 President Trump was not supposed to win the Presidency. The kazarian mafia has a branch of 'rino' republicans, they have a branch of democrats, they have a branch in the news media and they have there fingers all over the place. Most years we witness the kazarian mafia fix a game where the republican branch and the democrat branch 'compete' to see who will be president. The kazarian mafia has there news media branch report on the competition. The kazarin mafia is extremly sly/crafty but they are not that smart. The kazarian mafia plans out which world events will take place. (I assume that these are the discussions within the davos group and the counsil on foreign relations) The point is that much of 'life' is scripted. Do most people think that it was a freak occourance that a 'huricane' damaged the Appliacian Mountians...no it was part of the script.
Well in 2016 the kazarian mafia was gearing up to have there republican wing 'face off' against the democrat wing...and then there was a man named Donald Trump. Trump did not belong to either wing, that is why the news media wing would not fairly cover Trump. Anyway Trump ended up winning the election...but 'oh no' Trump was not going to follow the script that the kazarian mafia had made.
In order for the script to make sence, everything had to be by the book. People can not detect fraud if there are 50 thing ocouring when the 'pick pocket steals your wallet'. Now that everyone understands the scam...well it just makes people mad! Of course the "plan" was to have 50 events happen while your wallet was being stolen...but if only 40 distractions occoured then the citizens might start to question things. So there was a contingency plan, its called 'plausable deniability'. If there was ever only 40 distractions then the 'little lies' would be deployed. The thing about the 'little lies' is they only work for a little bit. The less major distractions happen then the more little lies need to be told. But I told you that the kazarian mafia is not that smart. They certainly are not smart enough to figure out that the less big events occour then the more ridiclous the little lies sonud.
--Are Critiques Of L.A. Mayor Karen Bass Steeped In Racism?--
(I think that its a good question that we all need to ask...Are we unfairly blaming a black woman for not corectly gaurding events that led to the deaths of dozens of people, burned hundreds of acres, uprooted the life of many people, and caused billions of dollars worth of damage)
Perhaps we should give the woman a pass because of her color or is that a little lie that is being told to us?
I guess we could blame L.A. firechief for not filling up the resevours, but that would mean that your a gay basher that is stuck in an old mentality. We should 'celebrate' that woman!
--Amid Palisades fire, Los Angeles' first LGBTQ+ fire chief is proving lesbians get it done--
We definatly can not blame the situation on the fact that "battle ready firefighters" were fired due to not recieving the covid-19 jab. (Wait was covid-19 just a distraction?)
--LAFD Has Pulled 113 Firefighters From Duty Due To Vaccination Mandate--
I guess about the only thing that can be done is blame ordinary people for causing global warming. Wait what if that is just another lie that was told to cover up the misdeeds?
--Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds--
At some point people will need to realize that 'bad people' have 'conveniently capitalized' on the situation in Ukraine
Posted : 15 Jan, 2025 10:46 PM
I had to break up the link (when posting on fakebook) because: Your post couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards...to be clear that means fakebook still wants to be a 'publisher' yet they claim to be a social media platform