Author Thread: Pro-Gay Disney Film Flops at Box Office

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Pro-Gay Disney Film Flops at Box Office
Posted : 1 Dec, 2022 06:28 PM

Some people are homosexuals. I don't approve of that lifestyle, and I do not agree with that type of lifestyle. I have ate meals with gay people, although I disprove of homosexual activity, I feel that a person should try to remain civil because homosexuals are people that made a lifestyle choice.

However there is a difference between someone that is a know homosexual, vs someone that pushes for society to accept the homosexual agenda.

There is an obvious difference between conservatives (true republicans) and liberals (democrats and rhino republicans), and some people think that each side should just peacefully separate. The problem is that the liberals do not want to separate. The liberals want everyone to accept there 'misguided' beliefs. So conservatives do not believe in terminating the life of a healthy baby, whereas liberals want to murder innocent babies and also they want conservatives to fund the dirty deeds. Many conservatives want society to be 'family friendly', whereas liberals feel that sin should be able to run rampet in society and conservatives should financially support a corrupt society.

(The following article proves that the liberals think that conservatives should support a non-family friendly environment)

I personally am apprehensive about even supporting labor unions, because many unions donate money to get liberal candidates elected.

1 Peter 5:8

-Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.-

Like the devil (this is why many liberals try to be sneaky) liberals try to hide a dead cockroach under the piece of leticue that is on your sandwich. The saying is: "go woke, go broke" the saying reminds people to vote with there wallets! If you see a company that is trying to promote a lifestyle that KING JESUS does not approve of...well you should help that company go broke!

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