Author Thread: Some bad people built this world so that they can appear like 'the experts'

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Some bad people built this world so that they can appear like 'the experts'
Posted : 27 Mar, 2023 10:51 PM

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

― Rahm Emanuel

(Rahm Israel Emanuel is an American politician and diplomat who is the current United States ambassador to Japan. A member of the Democratic Party)

I think that alot of thinking Americans realize that the radical progressives in the democratic party are up to no good...but they might not know which way to move.

*The game plan of the evil ones is to chase people into a corner that is so dark, people will have no choice but to ask the ruling elite to come rescue them (I know its a sick and twisted plan!) but the eliete are trying to make people helpless so that the eliete feel important when its time to ride in on the white horse*

My main purpose in writting this note is to greatly mess up the 'plans' of the eliete. So what I would like people to do is just start depending on GOD more. I will guess and say that many people fully rely on the electricty company to provide them electricty. A number of people fully rely on the grocery store to supply them with food. If it was not for the water company most people would not have clean drinking water.

How about purchasing a portable power station (like a Jackery, or a Bluetti). A person can plant a garden and easily grow some food (use heirloom seeds), and a person can collect rain water and run the rain water through a water purifier.

-William Strauss and Neil Howe, describe a Turning as “an era with a characteristic social

mood, a new twist on how people feel about themselves and their nation. It results from

the aging of the generational constellation.”...Strauss and Howe process over five hundred years of Anglo-American cultural nuance

into remarkable, well-organized and predictable cycles and it is from this reservoir they

stake an uncanny claim: “What the cycles of history tell us about America’s next

rendezvous with destiny.”-

"Just after the millennium, America will enter a new era that will culminate with a crisis comparable to the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II. The very survival of the nation will almost certainly be at stake."

(In my looks like a storm is coming, and if I had to guess then I would say that you better be very 'self reliant' by the time the year 2025 rolls around.)

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