Author Thread: Todd Bentley

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Todd Bentley
Posted : 17 Aug, 2008 11:48 AM

Discovered to have be involved in a "inappropriate relationship" with a woman? He is just an example of many names in my head.

I am not going to pick on him or her in this particular situation but what I don't understand is why?

The easiest tactic of the enemy to take somebody out is sexual seduction. These are people at the top of their ministries, why?

So many are at stake, why?

Isn't this the very tactic given by the bad prophet to entrap the Isrealites? Why?

They have spouses to care for the basic primal needs, why?

Is the "spirit of harlotry" so, strong...? How does a leader and those around him defend against such?



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Todd Bentley
Posted : 18 Aug, 2008 07:21 PM

Never put yourself in that situation. If a wife is a helpmate...let her be that...and be careful how you council someone of the opposite sex or work with them. When you think you stand...take heed lest you fall...The devil goes after the big fish because he knows he'll destroy the little fish in the process.


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