Author Thread: My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....

My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 5 Mar, 2010 07:23 PM

I dated my ex-husband all of my college years, since I was 19. We married when I was 23. I never thought I would get to experience going on a blind date. I thought it would be exciting!

When I was finally ready to date after my divorce, an opportunity came. A young 27 yr old co-worker told me she wanted to set me up with her uncle who was a few years older than me. I said yes and she gave us each other's phone number. He called me. We had stimulating conversations and laughed and joked. It was really good. After a week, we decided to get together. We met at a local restaurant.

Long story, short. He ordered for me without asking, got finished eating before me, turned sideways and started reading the newspaper, 'DISCLAIMER, IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE AND EASILY OFFENDED STOP READING NOW AND PLEASE POST YOUR HORROR STORY BLIND DATE! EVERYONE ELSE PLEASE CONTINUE'. The most unbelievable thing was when I crossed my arms in front of me and rubbed my arms and said I was cold, he said, Well, uncross your arms and let's see if your headlights are on! It took me a minute or two to process that. When realization finally dawned, I looked at my imaginary watch and said,'Look at the time, I've got to go!". I was so appalled!

Moral of the story- Christians please go out with equally yoked Christians and never go out with friends and co-workers family members. If it doesn't work out, they feel like they have to choose!

I dare you to top that! :laugh:

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 11:10 AM

Well, I gotta a funny one for you.

When I was all of 18, back in 1981, a firend of mine, or he was at the time, set me up with his cousin. I had saved all my money and had bought me a 1973 Old's 98. Baby blue. Looked like the batmobile. I looked like Tatoo from Fantasy Island driving it. Anyway, the young lady was kind enough to agree to go to the homecoming football game with me. When the game started and the National Anthem was played, I learned she was a Jehovas Witness and her faith did not allow them to pay respect to the flag. At the time I did not know this and when folks started standing and putting their hand across their heart-(hey this was Texas-) she just set there with her arms folded. Folks were starring at her so I ask her why she wasn't standing. She told me why and at first I didn't get it and ask her to at least stand up. She got mad, said "Let's Go!" so we left. Well we walked out, folks starring at us, me red faced with embarrassment. Got to the parking lot, which was on top of a rather high incline; the main highway 500 yards to the west, a blacktop road 500 yards to the east. There's a reason I'm telling you this: Got to my batmobile, heard,"Take me home!", and commenced to vacate the premises. Well.......Got started west toward the highway down the hill and realized I had NO BRAKES!:excited:

Tried stomping, pushing the emergency brake, putting the care in neutral, NOTHING! So, not feeling like explaining to her parents why I killed their darlin daughter in a head on collison with a Mac truck, I got the car turned around and tried going back up the hill toward the blacktop road. Well, got to the top of the hill, car never slowed down. Then I remembered what the black-top road led to. It was dark, big blue car hurtling into the darkness, girl was screaming, I was panicking,and BAMMM! Crashed into the bus barn. Of course my first thought, being a young MAN with his first car was, I wonder how bad I messed the car up. Then I heard a lot of cussing and remembered the girl. These were the days before cell phones, so I in my blue leisure suit, and the girl, in her blue ruffled homecoming dress, walked through the woods to find a phone. All the time hearing "I WANNA GO HOME!" Found a phone, thank the Lord my dad was home,( he usually wasn't). No way in the world Dad would let me use his brand new car to take the girl home. Had to get Dad to take the girl home with Me in the backseat. For some reason, never heard too much from that girl or my friend after that.

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 11:26 AM

:ROFL::ROFL: That is awesome!!!!!! :ROFL:

Whoo...I might forgive you for being friends with Pluc. Good one!

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 05:31 PM

I have no cute story to tell seeing that I got married at the young age of 22 and I haven't really dated at all since my divorce. But I will say that my friends are off limits to the rantings of 1babygirl. I didn't even know this forum was going on over here but it is good to read all the normal people comments. Ya let me know when 1babygirl puts my name in her mouth. LOL

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 15 Mar, 2010 08:45 PM

O! M! Gosh! Don't come over here starting no stuff. You are on the other forum talking crazy, now this?? I'm afraid to ask, but who are the normal people? Okay, don't answer! Never mind. :laugh:

Anyone got anymore blind date stories? I've REALLY enjoyed the ones I've read thus far.

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 17 Mar, 2010 05:49 PM

Come on fella's, I know Dgrimeter and I can't be the only guys to embarrass ourselves on a blind date, maybe we're the only ones to own up it!?

I sure miss that Old's 98!

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 17 Mar, 2010 05:59 PM

I guess that some of us wish to hide that moment.I was hoping to get a few more laughs.

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 17 Mar, 2010 07:33 PM

Hey yall. I appreciate you guys trying to recruit and encourage participation. I just remember that this is a venue in which people are trying to project themselves in the most positive light. Very few are comfortable enough to be transparent if it will in any way will keep them, at least in their minds, from getting the woman of their dreams.

It's all good. Good night yall.

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 23 Mar, 2010 05:35 PM

I have finally stopped . I feel kind of guilty for because that is so degrading. I guess it's funny because it's so ironic.

I teach singles, I will be sharing that story. Yes, Christians need to date like-minded Chrisitians.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. NO! I cannot top that.


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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 24 Mar, 2010 06:10 AM

Hey Dana! I would be honored for you to use my story in your teachings way over there in Cali. Isn't that what its all about, passing on the knowledge? Plus I'll feel like I'm famous! :laugh: Feel no guilt in , it is hilarious. Even I was on the way home myself.

Alright, I'm sure I'll be seeing you on these here forums. Have a good one.

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My Nightmare Blind Date Story is....
Posted : 24 Mar, 2010 04:47 PM

I messaged a woman on here this summer on this site and could tell she was a Christian woman. I enjoyed talking to her online and I think she enjoyed talking to me also. We talked online for a week or so. Then I decided to call her and I could tell she was really nervous. When we talked she was just saying one word answers and the conversation was very painful. I ended the phone call after about 5 minutes.

We had agreed to hang out before the phone call though and I thought I would honor it even though I really did not want to go. So we met and played tennis which was not bad and she was nice and actually pretty good. (She was a runner in college)

So that went ok. Then we went out for wings and to watch the Cubs game. I am a huge Cubs fan and she took and interest in them after we started talking (which was very sweet) However, it was hard getting her to talk while we were eating and watching the Cubs game. She gave a lot of one word answers and I can count on one hand the amount of times she said more than a sentence at one time. I asked in the 7th inning of the game if she needed to get back home (I thought she would say yes considering how poorly I felt things were going) But she said she would like to see the end of the game, so I was a trooper and stayed with her.

She was very nice and a Christian womanm but I felt no connection, but was thankful to meet a new friend and I guess things could have gone much worse. I still talk to her some and encourage her and we are still cool.

I know this isn't a dynamic story, but that is my blind date experience.


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