Author Thread: Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.

Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 06:15 PM

I just need to know what other peoples opinion on this subject is. I personally am legally still married, we are separated and are in the process of a divorce. What are some of your opinions on dating a married man or woman in this situation. If the man or woman says to the other their marriage is over, are your free to start dating? Or do your have to wait until your divorce is final?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 28 Aug, 2009 08:45 PM

Thank you all for your responses. I am now divorced and it was my ex that was seeing someone way before he even wanted a divorce. He wanted the divorce, I was still wanting to work everything out. But through it all God has been keeping me and blessing me. I have been growing stronger in the Lord and in my faith. I just can not thank God enough for all the blessings he has stored upon me.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 29 Aug, 2009 09:09 AM

Marriage is a "covenant", a contract or agreement between two persons. Even if one acts outside the marriage in relationships, it is not Ok for the other too also. Two wrongs don't make a right. Until a marriage is completely "dissolved" by "divorce" then you are STILL married and the spouse of another. To date or begin dating someoen who is still "attached" to a spouse is wrong, and God forbid an unholy physical relationship come of it---then that adds Adultery to the list of wrongs also.

I personally have always looked at it in this respect---until a marriage is completely disssolved by divorce---it IS A MARRIAGE COVENANT----and there is ALWAYS the chance for both parties to reconcile. Ask yourself....would you want to be guilty of standing in the way and helping to further break a union of marriage if God might be trying to bring them back together? Or....would You want to... or would you want another person should you be the seperated one... to want to take the risk of investing emotional energy, time and your / their heart in a relationship that may go nowhere---ultimately leaving YOU or that other person being the one hurt if reconciliation should happen? In every way it is wrong for ALL parties and is against God's laws concerning marriage, divorce, remarriage, etc.

I hope something I have said helps.

God bless.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 17 Sep, 2009 11:42 PM

If you have to ask the question, then you already know the answer. When we ask and already know, we are just looking for affirmation for our misguided motives.... after a person divorces they should wait at least 2 years before they consider dating again, just remember emotionally unhealthy people ATTRACT emotionally unhealthy people. Go and take the plank out of your eye so you can see to take the speck out of anothers eye. God bless.... Dave

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 20 Sep, 2009 09:19 PM

I have to agree! Dating a separated person also involves you, in the process that individual has to go through, to have their torn heart, find healing. Have you ever tried to use an arm after you've broken a bone in it ? ? Until it's healed it isn't gonna work properly. It will just cause more pain! The heart thats torn, through separation and divorce, works the same way, it needs time to heal! :nicenurse:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 23 Sep, 2009 01:39 PM

All decisions, thoughts, feelings, and responses should be prayerfully submitted to God. Then we must wait for Him to show us the way. Anything less than that and we will hurt others, ourselves and the body as a whole.

To give someone advice other than that is wrong, for you are placing yourself before God in their lives. Anyone who would tell you to do this or that is just spouting off human wisdom, and is no better off than you are spiritually.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven...


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 24 Sep, 2009 11:27 PM

Here are my feelings on the subject. There is God's Law and there is man's law. In the Biblical days, divorce was a very quick process. It is only man's greed that delays it out for years when the marriage is dead and can't be resuscitated. My marriage has been over for years. I've turned down lots of overtures from attractive ladies that knew it was over, and God will bless me for being faithful. I did everything I could to get her to go to counseling and everything (before the last affair), she just would not or could not live for the Lord. I have done my part and have not been unfaithful.

I'm on here, because I don't believe it's a sin to meet people. I'm lonely, and have been for many years. I tell everyone what my status is right up front. I filed months ago, and am waiting for the property settlement to finalize. That's man's law, but I honor God by not acting in a way that is a bad witness. I would not physically date or promise marriage until I am free of the legal part of it, since God has placed that authority over me. I don't believe I'm wrong to be here letting people know I'll be available.

My wife is already shacking with her latest. I have Biblical justification and if it were any other time than now, I'd be free by giving my wife a writ or a statement of divorce. Nevertheless, I'll wait...but it's not easy!

Also, I wouldn't accuse a brother or sister in a similar situation that dated. If we're going to follow man's law of divorce, the law is (in PA) that you can date as soon as you file. This whole thing wasn't a problem in Jesus' day, and you can get too dogmatic,but seek the Lord for your self and ask Him (and read the Word).

I guess the question is: Are you married in the site of God? I could say that my marriage was over when she broke the marriage vows again after being warned. I told her it would be over and that I would divorce her and have. It is only our godless government that puts us in a situation like this that is only a hardship for Christians. They want us to date and everything else until property settlement.

As far as a "healing time" goes, I'm sure some need that. I've had a completely dead marriage with no relations for years. We were trying to wait until the kids were gone. I wouldn't leave them, ever, but she has now, although the oldest is now in college. I don't need healing time because I went through all the pain and heartache years ago.

I haven't read all the responses on here, but that's my two cents worth.


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 1 Oct, 2009 10:44 AM

I am also separated and getting a divorce. My marriage is definitely over and I have prayed about this long and hard and I have also studied scripture. It is important for me to be where God wants me. My husband asked for the divorce and he is a non-believing man and just can't committ to serving God with me and he told me so... God told me he is releasing me from this situation because there is so much to it that i could write a book... I also will add that my profile states looking for friendship or email buddy that just doesn't apply to men. I want to be friends with women on here as well because right now that is what I need is christian friends. I am not ready to date anyone currently and I will definitely not date until my divorce is final. I do think some take a look at the profiles and make judgement calls before they know all the facts. I am totally and completely sold out to the Lord and in the future when God sends another man into my life he will also be completely sold out to Christ. I want someone that will walk the walk instead of just talk the talk. God Bless you sister and I will keep you in my prayers. Divorce is hard even if it is over and you know it. Rely on the leading of the Lord and he will show you the truth and allow you to see the right man when it is time.. I know for me it is not time yet for another relationship like that .. It isn't because I am still in love with my husband and can't move past it. It is because I am just not ready. It is time for me to grow with God and to be a mother to my children and to lean on God and know he is my provider and he is all to me. He will add all the other stuff in time to my life and I am okay with that..I dont or wouldn't want to rush into anything else so quickly..

May God Richly bless you and if you need a friend or encouragement write to me anytime...

In Christ Love,


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 5 Oct, 2009 04:04 AM

Gods' word is not a gray area. If you are married, you are married. If you even look at another person it is considered sin. That would cause the person you are going out with to sin (having an affair with a married person even if it is an emotional affair) Divorce was not Gods intention but it has happened since way back. I'm divorced so not criticizing. That was before I was saved. That is why we all need to make sure God is in the equation when chosing a mate.


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 29 Oct, 2009 07:52 PM

Hi Godsincontrol,

just to add something that may have been said but I didnt catch would benefit you greatly to take this time that your in transition and use it for healing.

the loneliness you feel can only be solved by Him. This is a time when He holds you, cradles you and tells you how great you are and that He'll never leave you or forsake you. This is a time when He will take you back to your first love which is in Him. Take this time to build intimacy with your Father. He loves to hear you sing unto Him a beautiful melody from your heart. You have many gifts that have been hidden from the world, God is going to uncover them in this time and prepare you for ministry. Whether it's counseling, teaching or singing at church...I feel like mercy is a gift of yours. I feel this scripture is for you Isaiah 62:3 &4--

Forget about what is going on around you...the Lord delights in you ;)

I pray blessings over you, that you would find peace, joy and love. that you would feel the presence of the Lord where ever you go, that He would make Himself known to you, His presence would be manifested like never before in our life. In Jesus Name.


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 30 Oct, 2009 07:28 AM


i think it would be a better option to wait untill everything is finalized so that you can start afresh.

the bible clearly says that you cannot remarry unless spouse was by death or unfaithfulness.

also if this makes sence to you.

when one door closes another door opens.

wait untill the old door closes....then allow the new door to open.

bless ya!


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