Author Thread: dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous

dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 8 Jun, 2012 07:29 AM

i am not saying this to scare guys off... i am just being honest. when i was 19 i dated my first chirstian boyfriend... he had mother issues to the extreme... i should have paid attention to the red flags but i ignored them... one day he was arrested for trying to run his mother over... i had not believed he had but after that he became both mentally and physically abusive towards me... he didnt take no for an answer. on time he tied my hands behind my back because i wouldnt let him do stuff to me... another time he held me down so hard i had bruises on my arms..

i didnt tell anyone at the time.. i was too scared and when i finally did it was to late to turn him in.. so i never did... i went through two years of counseling and three years single before i dated anyone else... listen to the red flags they can save you .. and remember God is always there and telling someone in time to do something about it.

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 8 Jun, 2012 12:15 PM

Good thing you are still alive and kicking, because Jesus is a hero to help you climb out of that kind of relationship, God help save the guy, too. My mother did marry an abusive guy before marrying my dad, she didn't like that either, but good thing my mom and dad work out better, and they are together for 31 years and counting. So I'd pray the same way with you.

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 10:52 AM

Wow. You both are great!

Yes, we must be careful. I was going to say, "willing to try to help", but I forget, sometimes they don't want to be helped! Just like my ex, she wouldn't accept help, so she keeps on drugging herself, drinking booze, and what could I do? Guard our money so we can feed her kids, pay bills and everything. (sighs).

I learned the hard way, from her. She was the only woman I ever was with, from 1997 to 2004, and it was crazy. No stability, no peace, just weirdness. I tried to provide stablity for her kids, they didn't need her negativity.

Funny thing, two years after she left me she came back and wanted me back, and also to help her get away from that bloke she left me for in the first place! Geez. So I gave her advice, and she came back three more times, bring the kids the last visit in an attempt to blackmail me emotionally so I'd weakened and go back. Uh, I love the kids, sure, they're great, I wish they was mine, but they're not. And I knew she would restart the whole negativity all over again. So I said no. I have not seen her five or so years ago. It's best to cut ties completely, even though I miss her kids at times, but I must be FIRM on myself.

I'll find my own family, my own Jesus-loving woman who I'll marry and have babies with, no question about it.

I am happy, though, to work out my life, to sort things, to decide what I want, and to work for a better life, even though it is slow at times, especially on my pension. But it's all good, after the bad there is the good, and I think of my own place I'll get with earnings I'll make with my own home-based business I hopes that people WILL loves very much. Don't you loves to stargazes from your own bed? That's what I hopes to offer when I go out there door-knocking, as it's easier for me to SHOW them what it looks like and they can see and know what it looks like and so on. Ah well. Other than that, I loves reading books. Good stuff to learn and grow.

Anyway, the "mother" issues, should be cleared out before entering any relationsihp. It's not good holding issues that are like canker sores, or something. The bloke should have had counselling and sort his issues out and figure stuff out and clears up his life so he can get on with his life, which was with you, but as now you're out of that, then he'll have to learn the hard way.

I myself had issues with my ex-girlfriend and I realised, she was hurting and uses drugs and booze to numb herself and her had issues as well and she had to learn the hard way to deal with them as she refused my help for seven years, so I gave up and asks her to decide, as I would support her choice and help her with whatever she wanted to do that would help her wean off drugs and booze and becomes a healthy well-adjusted woman that she was meant to be, for the kids sake if not mine, but she made her choice and choose another man to carry her baggage. And like she said, she realised I was a good man and that he was much WORSE than she was to me, and so she regretted everything she did to me, her infidelities, and other stuff. I forgave her and I let her go and just move on with my life, it's better all around. I hoped she had cleaned up and is now living a happy life with her kids, perhaps, with a good man. I hopes so.

Praise Jesus! Cheers!

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 27 Jun, 2012 04:15 PM

:angel: marrying a guy with mother issues is even me...and sometimes those issues can be there even if they are too close to their mother...she protects him NO Matter what he does or says... be aware of that too:):angel:

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 30 Jun, 2012 06:13 AM

What about the "other" mother issues? As in the man who is completely controlled by his mother, will not set boundries and allows her to be totally over involved and enabling.I have found that these are the men who are still bachelors well into their middle years and are usually extremely passive aggressive and commitment phobic. Should mommy be doing the laundry of a 52 yr old man? Or financially bail him out continually? It is one thing to Honor your parents as is biblical but to allow them to meddle and control you by pushiness guilt or fear, is wrong.

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 2 Jul, 2012 03:44 PM


I agree!

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dating guys with mother issues can be dangerous
Posted : 13 Oct, 2012 05:32 PM

A genuine Christian man or boy would never try to abuse anyone, much less try to squash his mother under a car.

When someone begins to become violent or dangerous, even in the slightest hint, the people with them need to break it off immediately...not to be mean, but for self-protection. Others can help the unstable person in a way which does not require dating.

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