Author Thread: Dating Online Experiences and How They Affect World Peace

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Dating Online Experiences and How They Affect World Peace
Posted : 29 Jul, 2012 08:06 PM

Ok, mebbe they don't, but i have a couple stories. Wanna hear em? Ok, then...

In the 2 years I decided to start dating I have:

1. Gone out for the first time after my divorce w/a man to a dinner/murder mystery who talked about his ex the WHOLE time. But that turned out ok, he eventually got help and emailed me to tell me he now helps others w/bitterness.:applause:

2. Met a fantastic man online only to find out he was my brothers very good friend and he had 7 kids and didn't want his ex to know anything about his dating life. No prob, but I have a history w/childcare. How can you tell someone who was a nanny that you don't want her to meet your kids? Doesn't that violate some sort of national code?? haha.

3.Met another man online only to find out he actually lived on my street, dated my ex best friend and had a child w/her. Just my luck!


4.I chatted w/a man and found out we had a mutual very good friend. He owned a business that I needed service through. While I waited for for my service to be finished, he made BIG TIME moves. Sheesh! :stop:

5. I went out on 4 dates from someone local after chatting online then on the phone for 2 weeks. We went out 4 times. It felt like I was going out w/my brother. NO sparks.


the finale'

6. Here's the breakdown version (never met THIS one)

Him: Do you believe you should be married before sex?

Me: Absolutely!

Him: I think God is telling me we are not a good match

What the...???? LOL

THIS is why I want to hang in the forum section. Hahaha.


Oh wait! I almost forgot the registered sex offender. Never met him either...

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Dating Online Experiences and How They Affect World Peace
Posted : 11 Aug, 2012 06:40 PM

I don't have one of my own but one on my friend. Several years back she set up a date with a man through news paper ads. They met without ever exchanging pictures but had talked on the phone. She was a little early and when he showed up he had only half of his teeth, one of his ears was half gone , and the sleeve of his jacket was torn almost off. She being the lady that she was stayed through the lunch and tried to carry on a conversation without crying or . Needless to say she never dated through the paper again.

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