Author Thread: Contraception . . .

Contraception . . .
Posted : 25 Jun, 2010 12:34 PM

As a Catholic, I believe that artificial contraception is morally unacceptable. There are several reasons why I hold this belief, but I can get to those as time goes by.

My question is: how do most Protestants and evangelicals feel about the issue? In other words, why do you find it acceptable (assuming some of you do - I recognize that not all Protestants practice birth control)?

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Contraception . . .
Posted : 4 Jul, 2010 04:52 AM


God gives us "Free Will". He allows us to say "No" to Him.

God may want you to have many children, but if you say NO to Him...will he force you to? God can do Anything and Everything He wants to -- but He will not force you to obey Him.

You cannot go back far enough in Church History to find where Artificial Contraception was considered a "Good" thing. The Church has Always preach the latter.

There are unwed women having themselves Artificially Insemminated by a stranger's sperm so as to raise a child without a Father. According to your Logic...this is exceptable to God.

I don't think so!

When Christians have disagreements like this...where do they go? Who or where is the final court of appeal? Who has the Final say that all of us will abide by?

What is The Pillar and Foundation of ALL TRUTHS? Who or what has the Answer?

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Contraception . . .
Posted : 4 Jul, 2010 06:56 AM

I did say I didn't believe like that, didn't I?:winksmile: Anyway...if God had said something like "do not avoid having children", that would be a little more direct. Anytime God wants to point out sin, or point out His will, He is very clear about it to avoid confusion. How many here think "do not steal" was nebulous and the principle for the command only found in one verse? How about "Do not bow to idols"? Was God just saying that in one tiny section of the bible? Anyway...I need some more verses, then I will change my belief....but there aren't any. And I still think that claiming to violate God's will in nature to avoid pregnancy, is the same as violating His will to "save a life", if you're following that line of thought(which I'm not). It's God's will we're talking about. Just because you think something is good doesn't mean you get to void what God is doing, right? Anyway...if you apply it to one, you have to apply it to the other, so according to the "no birth control" belief, anything that artificially alters our bodies would be sinful. That's what I'm getting from it anyway.


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 4 Jul, 2010 10:15 AM

I see what your saying, but I do not agree. Just say it's your preference because it sounds rather technical and... well, it's your opinion and not something God frowns upon. We have a saying back home; "Prevention is better than cure". Pick your poison.

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Contraception . . .
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 04:18 AM

I would still like to pose my question

"Where do we (Christians) go when we have a disagreement...such as the one we are having now? Who or what has the final say as to whom is correct. Is there a "Final Court of Appeal"?

What do you think or believe is The Pillar and Foundation of All Truth?

How has The Church handled such disputes?

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Contraception . . .
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 06:07 AM

Yes, but in order for that question to provide the answer to this dispute we would all have to be catholic. I'm not catholic, and my church has a "use your own discretion" stance toward birth control as long as it doesn't interfere with a conception. And...I still believe that men do not get to set up rules. That's what the pharisee's did, and God wasn't too pleased about that. If you can find more verses I will change my beliefs, but I'm not going to listen to a bunch of men, especially ones that I consider in error. And anyway...I have to ask if a church that is not following God's commands is a pillar of truth? What determines truth? The bible/God's character? Or whatever wind of doctrine blows the "majority" around?


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 01:05 PM

Mark, I am a little confused as to some of your anti catholic statements.My family has Catholics too. But I do not accuse

all Catholics for what a few bad apples did too me.

None of us are perfect and none of us are completly right.

So, why do you point out all the Catholics faults?

How many fingers point back?

I will have to back up Steve, (Arch) on this one.

Who are we to attack another part of the body of Christ?


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 06:11 PM

I agree with Dennis here. Those who confess Christ as Lord and Saviour, have been washed in His blood and belong to Him, are part of the same body of Christ regardless of denomination.

Ephesians 4:4-6

[There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

Attacking and bruising our own body should never be an option.

Steve, to answer your questions-

"Where do we (Christians) go when we have a disagreement...such as the one we are having now? Who or what has the final say as to whom is correct. Is there a "Final Court of Appeal"?"

I believe we should always go to the Word of God as the final say. Some things are clear in Scripture, such as sin, salvation, how to live Godly lives. Contraception is not clear. It is not mentioned in Scripture. This will probably be debated among denominations until the Lord returns. Man is fallible and thus I don't think we can say any one man has the answer or absolute truth concerning this when we don't see it in Scripture.

"What do you think or believe is The Pillar and Foundation of All Truth?"

The Word of God, and for the reasons above.

"How has The Church handled such disputes?"

From what I'm seeing here, it's debatable depending upon Church interpretation. Again, it's not clear in Scripture who is right and who is wrong.

God Bless!


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 07:24 AM

I believe we are all in one body, but that does not mean we should gloss over someone's error like it doesn't matter. I know it's only a "perceived error" in my view, and I usually stay away from "bruising" someone's beliefs...but some churches have a few beliefs that can't be over-looked very easily. It's not a simple matter of misinterpretation, from me or anyone else. It's a "We will do what we want, because we men get to choose what to obey and God doesn't" matter. I just think that's pretty bad. The church being the "pillar of truth" means that we need to hold up the truth. It does not give us a license to change it, and the Catholic church does change the truth. They don't even try to be sneaky about it. However...I'm really not trying to "attack". If I was in error I would surely want someone to point it out to me so I could serve God better and that's all I'm trying to do. We need to try to serve God and not a "church".

1 Cor. 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 12For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

I don't quite go that far, but you can see that we aren't supposed to ignore someone's error, especially someone that is a Christian.


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 11:48 PM

1 Timothy 3:15�(New International Version)

15if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

If The Church is The Pillar and Foundation of The Truth...doesn't that mean that The Church is the Final Court of Appeal (because She has The Truth).

It was this way from the beginning and until churches began splitting off and preaching what they believed to be the truth...there was only One Church that was The Pillar and Foundation of The Truth.

We are All Brothers and Sisters In CHRIST! The dark one has us fighting each other because we have split away from One Church.

I take no umbrage in what has been said here. I know where it comes from...Love of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Dialogue is good. All I ask is to Holy Scripture...your Heart and the writings of The Church Fathers.

God knows men. God did not want to have His Plan of Salvation go �spinning� through time like a top...being �pulled� here or there by men. That is why He Established a Physical Church with a Vicar to ensure that His Word would not be tampered with and that His Plan would remain intact.

The Church is not perfect (men run Her), but The Bride of Christ is Inviolate. The Full Deposit of Faith that was left with Her has not been added to or subtracted from.

I have The Pillar and Foundation of Truth to go to with my questions of Faith. Not the men but The Church (what Jesus Taught and Showed and Commanded).

I Love All of You


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Contraception . . .
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 03:21 PM

Eeeh...I think the only true church of God is the one filled with people from every denomination that are truly following God to the best of their knowledge. If someone doesn't speak according to the bible then there is no light in them. If a church departs from the truth then they are not God's church, even though they may have some of God's people in them. I just think it's kinda dangerous to say we should stick with something even though it's wrong and against God's word...based on one bible verse. Nobody else thinks so? Anyway....God will call His people out...just wait.


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