Author Thread: not tolerate that woman

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 18 Jul, 2010 10:34 PM

Jezebel, her sin was usurping authority, deception, murder, theft not to mention disrespect of her husband, who was the king/authority and the God of the land. Some articles about Jezebel state that women accused of being Jezebel are "beyond the control of men". A controlling nature is a key characteristic of this spirit's operation. Also key is manipulation, oftentimes using sex, belittling or intimidation as a tool to accomplish its goals.

I have run into the spirit several times in the business world. It will attack until the person and business/home are destroyed. It ALWAYS seeks to attack and kill (physically or spiritually or the reputation of) the Prophet/Priest/Spiritual Leader.

The Bible warns us not to tolerate her...

Rev 2:20 But I have something against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. She teaches and misleads my servants to sin sexually and to eat food sacrificed to idols.

Here are some good videos on the subject.





Has anyone else met someone who seems to be motivated by this spirit? How did you recognize it? How did you deal with it? I guess that is mine main purpose for posting this. How are we supposed to deal with this spirit?

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 20 Jul, 2010 09:47 AM

Interesting topic, I think this Jezebel spirit is like the Harlot riding the scarlet beast in Rev.17. She intoxicates men with her cup of abominations called fornications. Characteristics and methods of a harlot are designed to usurp the God given authority men and women have over each other in the area of sex/marriage, and replace it with a controlling bondage never intended by God. Recognizing it may be hard because normal love and marriage is God's gift but harlotry is Satan's counterfeit. It is Unlike most temptations we ( usually men) are unable to stand up against and overcome. Because we are told to flee fornication. Men are particularly at risk. The Jezebel spirit is hidden in the clche' "Women Rule...Men drool. In Other Words she rules by usurping the GOD given authority men and women have over each other in the area of physical intimacy. A Jezebel spirit uses sex to exploit the man and control him. It has gone on for 100s & 1000's of years. And sometimes happens in marriage. But it is also sign of the end times as it dominates more men of this world.

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 22 Jul, 2010 05:05 PM

I listened your posts on the Jezebel. And I admit I have dealt with a few of these women. But this message as presented could also apply to any woman in the church. And especially describes them with the Narcissistic Personality disorder. NPD, a mental disorder of unrepentant self centered-ness, effects a woman's every relationship. I would have to say the link you posted is a little over the top on this subject. Like I said it could describe any woman in the church too. But if it is a spirit then it can be cast out. If it is a personality disorder it may still be a spirit or it may be NPD because that is what the message seemed to very accurately describe.

The thing is what to do about it. The bible says to flee fornication. Elijah fled from Jezebel. Jesus did good to prostitutes but most men do not have what it takes to always resist this type temptation. And every man has a built in gauge that tells him when it is time to get out quick. If that alarm does not go off then it is probably demonic and we Do have God's power to deal with that. :dancingp:

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 28 Jul, 2010 07:14 AM

I think the best way to deal with this is to:

1. FOCUS on God's Holy Spirit - for He assured us "We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One Who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one CANNOT HARM him." (1 John 5).

We fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. We set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:20) and not on earthly (trivial) things. We choose to look at what God is doing rather than what the enemy is up to.

2. The second thing is through PRAYER. For "the battle is the Lord's" and "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." We put on the whole armor of God, the helmet of Salvation, the breastplate of Righteousness

(not self-righteousness), the shield of Faith, the belt of Truth, and feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the Gospel of Peace. And lastly, we strike with the sword of the Word of God.

Praying for the person or persons so "possessed" or disordered bind the evil and loosens God's mercy and grace on that person, thus by His Power the "Jezebel spirit" and all other spirits are bound and cast off.

There are other more disturbing "spirits" around us today that reap greater destruction in our midst, in our families, and in our government. In the Psalms, there is a verse that says "Search me Oh God, and know my heart, see if there is any offensive way in me..." we find that we may in ourselves have spirits of evil that need casting out, such as PRIDE, GREED, LUST, FALSE ACCUSATION, and yes, even

coldness. Definitely we need not look very far.

Those of us who have found the Living Water in Christ, we who have been bought with a great Price, need only to let go of the overflowing Water of Life towards other who need them. For what can darkness do to light?

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 3 Aug, 2010 06:23 AM

Most people think that Jezebel speaks only of a promiscuous women............. The Jezebel spirit is one of manipulation, control and seduction........ In other words, men can possess that spirit too!!!!! Sometimes people in your lives tend to want us to do things their way...... they want you to please them at all times..... and if you can't please them, they don't like you or have anything good to say about you ever again....... THAT'S THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Manipulation doesn't come in a specific gender and sex isn't its only manifestation!!!!!!!!!

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History not tolerate that woman
Posted : 19 Sep, 2010 12:54 PM

I think the evil one will use people to make it difficult for God's servants. She put them through a lot. I never thought about it actually being a spirit but I suppose it could be one. I do know that evil will always try to interfere in God's work.

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