Author Thread: Fornication

Posted : 1 Oct, 2010 09:33 PM

How can someone who claims to be a Christian live in fornication and justify their life style?

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Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 08:34 PM

Modern apostate american Christianity, my friend. Be careful defending the Bible here. You'll reap the wrath of it real soon on here. Keep up the good topics like that.

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Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 09:29 AM

(Modern apostate american Christianity)- What does this mean truthslinger???????

many will tell you that we in America are very conservitive.

Of course I am against fornication.I wasloyal to my x wife and never had a relationship outside of my marriage.

Many in the church are moving us back to a more spiritual time truthslinger. maybe you should speak in a more positive tone.In your post in the past I read a lot of negative comments.This is disturbing, because as christians we are to preach in love not hate.Not discourse.I am not speaking to any one but you here truthslinger.

Kindness and love will get you some place.Dennis:peace:

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Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 07:29 PM

I'm very careful defending the Bible here and since you think it is so important perhaps you should take a shot at it yourself.

I wonder Truthslinger how you think the Bible defines fornication and where the idea that mutually exclusive relations between unmarried members of the oposite sex ever became the definition of fornication. I suggest you study the root of the word fornication, and not the Greek word porneo please but try, say, the Latin word which is where the word fornication actually came from. You might also check a few dictionaries that were written prior to 1912. Also, please do not include any references to adultry since I think we all understand what that is and they are not the same thing. Discuss the concept of it as it is described in the NT and search for references to it in the OT and then come back to us and tell us all about it, ok?

We apostates are waiting with baited breath!


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Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 08:19 PM

Thunder I understand fornication as a term that typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between unmarried heterosexual. If it means something else then I am using the wrong word for in my question.

I will reword it.

How can someone who claims to be a Christian live in sexual relations outside of marriage and justify their life style? The Bible does talk about sexual immorality would this fall under that?

I heard Pam Stenzel a lady that addresses the importance of abstinence to jr. high and high schools and she said, A monogamous relation is one for life, not one at a time, anything else is slow prostitution.

I looked up the Latin word and didn't find anything that would make me think it means somethings else, but my research was limited to 1 internet site and we know if it is on the internet it must be true. :rolleyes:

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Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 04:03 PM

The first miricle Jesus* manifested was turning water into a Hebrew/Israel/Jewish Wedding...and per the customs...I believe there would have been no Wedding Celebration if the Bride and Groom had sexual intimacies prior to the Joining in Marriage...

My question is...If they did ( and no one knows for sure ) have sexual intimacies prior...would that be concidered Fornication ?...xo

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Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 08:00 PM

Here are some definitions:

From Easton's Bible Dictionary: Fornication

In every form of it was sternly condemned by the Mosaic law (Lev_21:9; Lev_19:29; Deu_22:20, Deu_22:21, Deu_22:23-29; Deu_23:18; Exo_22:16). (See ADULTERY.) But this word is more frequently used in a symbolical than in its ordinary sense. It frequently means a forsaking of God or a following after idols (Isa_1:2; Jer_2:20; Ezek. 16; Hos_1:2; Hos_2:1-5; Jer_3:8, Jer_3:9).

Fausset's Bible Dictionary: Fornication - Used for adultery (Mat_5:32). Also spiritual unfaithfulness to the Lord, Israel's and the church's husband (Ezekiel 16; Jeremiah 2; Hosea 1; Rev_17:4).

Webster's 1828 Dictionary: Fornication

FORNICA'TION, n. [L. fornicatio.]

1. The incontinence or lewdness of unmarried persons, male or female; also, the criminal conversation of a married man with an unmarried woman.

2. Adultery. Mat 5.

3. Incest. 1 Cor 5.

4. Idolatry; a forsaking of the true God, and worshipping of idols. 2 Chr 21. Rev 19.

Here is Webster's definition of lewd: Lewd

LEWD, a. [Heb.]

1. Given to the unlawful indulgence of lust; addicted to fornication or adultery; dissolute; lustful; libidinous.

Ezek 23.

2. Proceeding from unlawful lust; as lewd actions.

3. Wicked; vile; profligate; licentious. Acts 27.

Naves: Fornication

See Adultery; Lasciviousness


General references

Exo_32:6; Pro_2:16-18; Pro_5:3-5; Pro_5:8-13; Prov 7:6-27; Pro_9:13-18; Pro_20:16; Pro_30:18-20; Joe_3:3; Mar_7:21-23; Rom_1:22-29; Rom_7:8; Rom_13:13; 1Co_6:9-10; 1Co_6:13; 1Co_6:15-18; 1Co_9:27; 2Co_12:21; Gal_5:19-21; Eph_4:17-19; Eph_5:5; Col_3:5; 1Th_4:5; 2Ti_3:6; 1Pe_4:2-3; Jud_1:4; Jud_1:7

See Adultery; Idolatry, Wicked Practices of, Licentiousness of.

All of this having been said, is it possible that fornication is something more or other than consensual heterosexual relations between a man and woman?

I'm not stating an opinion here, just asking a question.


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Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 09:06 PM

Thunder said: All of this having been said, is it possible that fornication is something more or other than consensual heterosexual relations between a man and woman?

No. It can be used as a metaphor to describe something but it still means sex between unmarried people.

So where are you arguing from Thunder?

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Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 11:14 PM

I think the 'how' do Christians justify question is easily answered...they are giving more weight to their purpose than they are to God's.

A great deal of insight might be gained by asking/answering the questions:

Do you think most Christians understand God's purpose for sex...beyond procreation and physical pleasure?

What is God's purpose for sex beyond procreation and physical pleasure?

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Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 02:57 PM

Consentual sex between single hetrosexual couples is not like fornication sexual sins named in the bible.

Adultery prostitution incest homosexuality beastiality and so on are all labeled abominations and punishable by stoning to death. Sex between two single people is delt with differently. Ex.22:16-17 is the one example of sex before marriage. I do not know if it is condemed as sin or just an example of how God created men and women to be attracted to each other. The man is required to marry the virgin he has already had or pay the bride price to her father. Thats it. there is no condemnation, no stonning or excommunications. The reason is that two young people who fall in love, have sex and bear children is really what God designed in the first place. Two hetrosexuals having consentual sex also goes by another name. It is called marriage, suprize. In fact, unless the marriage is consumated it is grounds for a divorce, Deut.24:1-4.

Having said that, sleeping around or trying out sex before hand is very dangeruos.While pre marital sex may be made acceptable if they marry. You cannot make protitution adultery ect. ok by marriage. The question is "is it lust or love?"


The three simple reasons for sex in the bible. In the beginning procreatiopn (SEX) was to fill the earth. The middle of the bible (Song of Solomon) inplies it is for pleasure (sexual love) and at the end (1 Cor 7:) says it is to avoid sexual tamptations.

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Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 05:45 PM

Thanks, ShepherdingKing...I was thinking about sex in terms of being a sign of the marriage covenant. Hence, as in the Exodus 22 passage, the man had to marry and pay the bride price...or pay the bride price if the father refused to give the girl in marriage.

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