Author Thread: Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church

Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 6 Dec, 2012 12:01 PM

I've noticed that phones with bible apps. have become more popular than bringing a paper copy to church. What are your thoughts on this? Do you find people appearing to be playing on their phone to be distracting during a service? Wouldn't it just be better to use a real bible so there isn't any confusion? I'd appreciate your thoughts and opinions on this.

Along the same lines, isn't it disrespectful to be checking your phone during church whether it be a sermon or other church function that involves prayer and the like?

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 7 Dec, 2012 10:04 PM

I confess that I've sometimes used a Bible app on my phone rather than a paper copy - I've always got my phone with me but not always a Bible (and a full one in anything like a readable font wouldn't fit in my pockets anyway). It's also useful to find chapter and verse quickly, especially if the preacher is darting back and forth! I wouldn't check for messages and such during a service though - if I can't even give one uninterrupted hour a week to God then I have to question my relationship with Him...

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 02:26 AM

@CommitedtoChrist89, thanks for this question. Its one I had over the years seen done in the midst by believers. First Look at this scripture -

1Timothy 3:15 - New Living Translation (�2007) "so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth"

This is CORE. I had always use that verse as a guide coupled with a true conscience that is pointed to know the truth and accept the truth. Hence when my phone and its apps begin to lure me away from the flaming and pelting message off the alters, then I know I am disrespecting 1Tim 3:15.

I agree there can be no hard and fast rule about bringing phones to services. Just as phone apps, helps you reach destination verses asap, it also help you for quick saves. These are its goods. But these "goods" aught not set precedence for us to lose out in the service. For all its worth, if you can bring the paper copy and avoid complete distraction, then its worth doing. And if you must go with phone, disable functions that might distract. Functions like calls, voice, data, sms, Internets etc. At days end, you had strictly turned the phone to a PDA, which is better for your bible passage.

Checking phone for other things apart from bible search is disrespectful to the person of God. But since GRACE covers most things these days, many of us indulge in such truancy and get away with it. It wasn't so in the Old Testament. But thank God for gift of redemption. But we must be consciuos of respect for God and 1 Tim 3:15. None should tell you how to behave in the presence of God, you as a man born again, with a sanctified heart and blessed with a conscience that is free to know right from wrong should be able to teach yourself what is good and just!

@DKJ255, I am thrilled by your utterance "if I can't even give one uninterrupted hour a week to God then I have to question my relationship with Him... " May God help us.

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 10 Dec, 2012 08:23 PM

At first, I found it distracting. There are quite a few people at my church who use their phones (or iPads, e-readers, etc.) in place of a paper Bible. However, they also have access to multiple translations, concordances, commentaries, study Bibles, etc...all at the touch of the screen. My pastor also uses an online program for his sermon notes. People can pull up his outline on their phones, and add notes of their own during the sermon.

Now that I'm somewhat used to it, though, the electronic devices don't bother me so much. What DOES bother me, though, is the people who use those devices to check their emails, facebook, pinterest, etc. rather than focusing on God for that hour. If the device distracts them from God, they need to remove that distraction.

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 11 Dec, 2012 07:53 AM

It remains that the device is not the problem. It extends to show the problem emanates from those who owns such a device. Simply spoken, the device do make searches and resource availability easier, but how do you explain "liking a comment", "RT a tweet", "bucket a pix" while the preaching of the word is ongoing?

1 Timothy 3:15 - "if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.' Bottomline, folks must know how to conduct themselves in the house of God, which is pillar of truth!

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 16 Dec, 2012 12:46 PM

I don't have a problem with phones in church, as long as people aren't talking on them. Phones with bible apps are going to be getting more and more popular in church, as it can be a lot easier to find certain passages, as you only have to type them in.

As for using a phone (no verbal convo) during a sermon- I don't think it's disrespectful. Obviously the pastor didn't have anything to say that the person thought was worthwhile. If the pastor prays for a bunch of people and a lot of them don't get divinely healed, why should he expect that when he prays for his sermons, that they are going to be any better or divinely inspired? That said, the pastor isn't owed anything. His words may be useless to some people in the congregation, as they may not need that message/lesson because they already know it. If then, they want to use their phones to get something useful done during that time, I commend their efficient use of time. It's an insecure or prideful pastor that gets offended if he sees people on their phones and he gets offended.

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 20 Dec, 2012 09:07 AM

I have a huge problem with it!

1. it gives Satan the chance to tempt you, distract you with other notifications such as emails

2. it can be distracting to someone who sees you, and maybe a stumbling block to a younger Christian

3. I say save your bible app for maybe an in home bible study or small group, it's easier to explain to 5 or 6 people that you're not checking your email than it is an entire congregation of people

Besides that.....I just feel so much joy when I've got my Bible open and in my lap, I feel peace in knowing that God, the creator of all things created this amazing book for me.

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 13 Jun, 2013 12:25 PM

I personally love my iphone so I DEF use it during the service. Youversion has a ton of different options of versions that you can choose from so you don't have to worry about selecting the hardcopy to bring from home.

Technology is coming to our churches at a rapid pace, a church is interesting of me installing wi-fi. They want more interaction among church members during the service.

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Thoughts on Electronic Devices in Church
Posted : 13 Jul, 2013 12:51 AM

Is this serious??? Does anyone actually believe that God gives a care in the universe about this subject??? Do you HONESTLY believe that THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE doesn't have bigger, MUCH more important things to be concerned with than this nonsense???

I don't mean to be offensive but RELIGION in sin. Relationship with Christ is the ONLY thing that matters to Him. I'm not saying you should live your life like there are no morals or consequences. I'm saying the life you've been given is WAY TOO SHORT AND IMPORTANT to waste such pointless, petty things. No, God does NOT care about phones in church.

I've been saved 22 years and if there's anything I've learned it's that the pettiness of Christians is the single greatest thing that Satan uses against us. He thrives on nonsense like this. True distractions from real things that matter. The pastor is not a God and is NOT to be revered like one. He or she is a HUMAN and NO BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. What they have to say is not more important than what I or anyone else has to say. God gave us a Bible to READ. Not so we can have men who think themselves better than us to interpret.

Finally, before anyone wastes their time scolding me for my "worldly" view or some other nonsense ... read your Bible. God doesn't care. My HEART is all that matters and while my actions do hold importance, God judges my HEART. He knows me, you do not. I also know Him and I know He's not petty and pathetic. He doesn't give a rip about phones in church. If YOU are distracted by others using their phones maybe YOU should mind your business and pay attention to the sermon. If you waste your life trying to make sense and follow every single word in the Bible you are a sad, sad person who will ALWAYS be unfulfilled because the guidelines the Word gives us are just that ... guidelines. The vast majority of them are not remotely attainable within this reality and GOD KNOWS THAT.

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