Author Thread: Is there still a thing as love?

Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 27 Dec, 2012 11:54 AM

Growing up we see time and time again stories, movies, and books of "love". The bible puts so much on love that it is the one thing that is equal to God himself (Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8) So, my question is in a world where everyone has their Standards -- where is the love? Is there love anymore? The Church looks more like the world, with pastors sex scandals and it's members wearing short cut skirts.. Makes me thing maybe Love went like modesty -- out the window? Anyway, I would like to know what are some examples of you or others close to you showing real Genuine love :angel:

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 27 Dec, 2012 11:25 PM

Take the first bite into a medium rare filet mignon and tell me that there's not still such a thing as love.

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 12:28 PM

hmm, Steak = love? :/ 2 Timothy 3:2 was right.... gezz, why even try sometimes. lol

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 08:49 PM

I have the belief that the only true love you can show is love that you first receive from God into your heart. You have to know God, and therefore know love, before you yourself can really truly love.

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."


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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 09:27 PM

Oh get over yourself, Bsgdude. My comment was clearly not meant as a theological treatise on love.

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2012 11:32 PM

I'm somewhat convinced that love is not the kind of thing that if you "search" for it, you will find least not in the sense people like to say.

Like many non tangible things, love must be derived. It's a lot like faith in a way, you can't read about it and then have it. You need to find your own 'version' of it to understand its reality. Love is inside you.

Though I do have to wonder whether your idea of love might have been over idealized in a certain sense? Just because women do not exclusively wear full length dresses in church does not make love dead. Perhaps for you, it might make it harder to find but then again there's a certain benefit to not 'falling' for every attractive girl you see. I can't really know if it's true, but I wonder if the longer one remains searching but not finding love, the longer the love will last when found. It certainly makes sense from a behaviorist standpoint...

Basically keep hoping and searching. The beauty of monogamy is once you have found that special girl and she has found her special man in you, you won't be needing to worry about that problem any longer.

And when you think about it, if the love of a spouse is the second greatest thing that will ever happen to your life, isn't it almost...good that it's not easy and doesn't drop from the sky?

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2012 07:02 PM

I believe that no one truly knows love until they truly know God. I mean, knowing God on a very deep level, a level that most people never reach. I come to tears at just the mention of Jesus, I love Him with all my heart and I can't wait to tell Him to His face. The more I love Jesus, the less everything else matters. When I see where I was and where Jesus has brought me, my heart overflows with so much love for Jesus I just cry. It's a love I can't explain, my heart is aching to see Jesus face to face and hug Him and tell Him how much I love Him for all He's done for me, for loving me despite all my mistakes and daily failures.

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 2 Jan, 2013 09:27 PM


That was really beautiful

Thank you :)

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Is there still a thing as love?
Posted : 3 Jan, 2013 05:56 PM

We love because He first loved us. Everyone still bears some likeness of God which includes a capacity to love, but in our fallen state, this diminishes and distorts into something perverse. Yes, some 'loves' are unhealthy, whilst others are merely self-serving* - it's only when measured against God's love as described in 1 Cor 13 that it means anything and we see how far we've gone astray.

In short, yes there is still such a thing as real, healthy and wholesome love, but to recognise it and reciprocate it you need to know the One who *is* love.

*I've been reading a lot of atheist stuff recently at it's depressing how loveless it all is. Sure, they love superficially, but scratch the surface and it all boils down to what serves their individual interests. The thought of loving to the point of laying your life down willingly is seemingly alien to them, but then, the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing!

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