Author Thread: Just accept singleness.?

Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 13 Mar, 2013 06:35 AM

Nearly five months ago, I broke up with my ex. Before that, I thought he was the one. I was completely in love with him and had dreams of a future with him. I told myself that I'm not dating for fun, I'm looking for my potential marriage partner. Now I feel guilty because I had planned on having him and only him. That didn't work and now I feel like if I ever meet someone else, they won't be my first boyfriend. Silky I know, but I'm very serious about who I date. Now lately I'm wondering if God just doesn't have anyone for me to marry. What if singleness is my future? I'm scared to death of being alone. Life is becoming a struggle for me. I'm in the middle of possiblly getting a house or a new car. I miss the carefree days of being a kid. I'm afraid of what my future might be.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 13 Mar, 2013 12:05 PM

Few people go into a relationship expecting it to fail, so of course he felt like 'the one'. Unfortunately it's very likely, in this culture, that you'll date several people before you find someone whom you really could spend your life with, and experience just as many hearbreaks; but it's those things that build character and show you what you're really looking for in a partner.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 15 Mar, 2013 10:05 AM

Maybe it failed because it was suppose to be a learning experience of some sort. Maybe it happened so you'll take some knowledge from that relationship into the next one.

Being single isn't so bad. No one to answer to. You can do what you like and not have to worry about someone else being bored by it. You can watch what you want, go where you want, hang out with your friends without feeling pressure to be in two places at once... etc.

The way I look at it is- when I'm single, I'm suppose to be. When I'm not, I'm not suppose to be. Enjoy whatever phase of life you're in. God'll switch things up on His time.

Just my thoughts. :)

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 24 Mar, 2013 08:30 PM

I was told by a wise man not too long ago to embrace my singleness. Before my two-year relationship that ended in 2010, I thought I needed a girlfriend to be happy.... I was wrong. You live and learn. I think what help me was going out with friends and meeting people. I would recommend a Singles Ministry. I consider this ministry more of meeting like minded Christians and doing things outside of Church such as white water rafting, bowling etc. than meeting a potential mate. There is less pressure when you can be friends first. It takes work to make a relationship succeed... I know this statement may seem simple but some of the simple statements you can make in life are the hardest to follow. Anyway those are my thoughts.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 15 Apr, 2013 10:19 PM

I'm kind of in my own time of fear for the future: for independence, relationships, career, and education. I've never been in a relationship, perhaps because I'm socially awkward, and never found someone who fit the bill without reservations. I can tell you that God has a plan for you: to give you a hope and a future. Life is only the process of finding out what He has in store for you.

Don't give up and be single forever. But don't drive yourself crazy either. Just pray and try to live the best life you can, and be the best friend that you can. Eventually, one of those friends might say: "I don't ever want to part ways. I want to be your friend for Life."

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2013 02:20 PM

Well uhm, I'm going to share my view point on this matter. Being single is awesome, its the most incredible season that person could undergo. Do not devalue this season sis. Take this opportunity of singliness to fall inlove with God again. When ever you feel like you need someone to love you. Remind yourself constantly of Gods love and how he gave up himself for you. Rest in the certainty of his love. And you will see God move in your life. You will see God transform you into the wife that He intends you to be for your husband. God is so good. Heather lindsey ones said if God placed the desire of marriage within you, he will bring it to pass. Trust in his unfailing love for you.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2013 02:21 PM

Well uhm, I'm going to share my view point on this matter. Being single is awesome, its the most incredible season that person could undergo. Do not devalue this season sis. Take this opportunity of singliness to fall inlove with God again. When ever you feel like you need someone to love you. Remind yourself constantly of Gods love and how he gave up himself for you. Rest in the certainty of his love. And you will see God move in your life. You will see God transform you into the wife that He intends you to be for your husband. God is so good. Heather lindsey once said if God placed the desire of marriage within you, he will bring it to pass. Trust in his unfailing love for you.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 7 May, 2013 02:32 PM

Let me share with you my testimony. I was in love with a girl for almost 5 months. We knew each other for 1 year and 4 months. She is from the Philippines but living in Hong Kong as a Oversea Filipino worker. I had my plane ticket to go visit her and her family in both places. Well it didn't turn out the way it hope it would be but I've learned something valuable from that experience.

Obedience to God is a must in all sense. I saw the signs that he did not permitted me to go there. I truly loved her but God saw a possible danger from that relationship.

Maybe God foresaw something that is not good for you. Now, in regards of being single for the rest of your life is uncertain because the scriptures says, man should be be alone. But, if God wants you to be single and he may have something awesome for your life, accept his will. IT's about him, not us.

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 8 May, 2013 03:54 AM

Cyber, You missed a important part of the scripture. God says " it is not Good that man should be alone" I {will} make a helper suitable for him.

Isnt it great when God says ( I will) another place God uses the word is.....He says ( He is not willing that any should persih but all come to repentence)

The greatest thing you can do for your self young lady is this. Continue to discover or begin discovering what Gods will is. Be a woman completly surrendered for Gods will.

You can be sure of two things in this. One your fear will be gone. Two what ever you ask of God you can be sure of.

Their is this phrase that Is the down fall of christians. It is what would jesus do. We all heard it and maybe though it.

This phrase places us in the power of thinking for our selves and implying what jesus would do.

But Christ is alive and we dont have to wounder what he would do. All we need to do is ask and then listen. To some this might sound mistical.

But we need to be people who listen to God and seekers of Him for His will in our lives. Then we will be on the path God has for us. A good path leading to life.

Peace be with you,

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Just accept singleness.?
Posted : 8 May, 2013 08:08 AM

letthismind2...Actually it's a typo, what I meant was it's "not good to be alone. I apologize and I highly agree with you.

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