Author Thread: Marriage Proposals...

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 19 Jul, 2009 07:40 PM

Here's a question for you men...

What's with proposing to a woman the first time you meet her? Or telling a girl that you're going to marry her but you don't want to date her. I feel pressured to make a commitment right off before a guy will spend time with me. What happened to just being friends or casual dating to decide whether or not you're even compatible? Or want to get serious?

Just wondering... :stop:

Another thing? Do guys ever have a feeling like it's "their year?" I have friends that have thought that and then they get married. I just find it odd lately that I keep running into guys I've known before or new guys out in the REAL WORLD. I'm not sure that meeting someone online really works. I'm too used to the REAL WORLD.

This seems like a pretty good website to bounce ideas off on each other.

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 19 Jul, 2009 10:04 PM

O boy do I have a story for you lol my ex (we split after she lost the baby in june) started talking to a guy this month and they are already engaged and planning the wedding. I think it is the fast paced society, no one wants to wait on food, no one wants to wait at the bank, and no one wants to wait on getting married, which is why the divorce rate is so high, people rush into things without knowing each other

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 01:28 AM

lone that is only part of why the divorce rates are so high.. but you have a good point many are not willing to wait for anything. We are impatient in todays society.. I am also at fault I am sure but I have taught myself patience and to slow life down..

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 02:49 AM


any man that proposes to you on the first date or says they want marry you but not date you, RUUUNNNNN!! Those men have some serious issues you don't want any part of. Most of the time I think they are trying to get you committed before you can find out what they are really like. Once they got you it's too late.

Lonewolf is right, we are a microwave generation, everything has to be faster, instant. there are some things though that are worth the wait.

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Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 08:40 AM

dear lone, hey man sorry for the loss of your child and wife.. you make a good point .. fast fast fast.. hehe

ole cattle

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Posted : 20 Jul, 2009 08:42 AM

dear sweet, welcome to the forums..

ole cattle

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 22 Jul, 2009 05:59 PM

Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST and peace be to you my sister. To answer your question:

I recommend that you read the story of Isaac and Rebekah who married the exact same day they met. Gen Chp 24.

Now people would say of how times has changed. And times has changed, but there were evil and righteous people on earth then just as there is now; and GOD is still GOD.

The dating game that people play is not something that you even see in the WORD of GOD.

I met a woman in the airport once who was from another country and she was quite disgusted at how American women did this thing called "dating". She said that American women are "Nasty".

She was pointing out how they are with so many different guys in this thing called "dating".

Ofcourse she would have been speaking of those women mainly who have any kind of sexual relation with the men they date (I would think).

Nevertheless, we don't fnd dating in the Holy Scriptures.

If you look at the story of Jacob and Rachel you can get more insight.

Jacob saw her, loved her, worked for her, and married her after a number of years, but we don't see them dating. She was the one he wanted from the start and his mind didn't change as far as we can see and he got her. Gen Chp 29

The importance of marrying a woman in her virginity has gotten lost in this evil culture in which we live. That's not a good thing either, but it's what we have to deal with.

The way it's supposed to work is that a woman is to Follow CHRIST and be holy before the LORD. Now GOD knows how to send a holy man of GOD to a holy woman of GOD in GOD'S own time, such as Ruth and Boaz.

Here GOD took this woman's husband away, and by her choosing GOD she ended up in another land and in due season with another husband.

GOD knows how to give Good Gifts unto us HIS Children, but the problem is that we don't truly follow CHRIST; and then expect GOD to reward our messed up situation with a Glorious Blessing.

First we need to Follow CHRIST with our whole hearts and allow HIM to send into our lives that Good blessing in due season.

And when GOD sends that man or woman seek GOD concerning this person, saints (speaking to the entire audience of believers). And ladies, if GOD says to you "This is the one" then why go and date 50 other men, in an attempt to still find "the one"? And if the one whom GOD said to you is the one for you to marry, then why do you have to prolong it for a year or two or three or longer if the one wants to marry right away? So the wise thing to do would be to seek GOD concerning the "when" with the "one" whom GOD already told you is the one you should marry.

But dating the whole world before finally marrying one, may be the way of society, but it's certainly not the way of the WORD of GOD. Personally, if I met a woman today, whom GOD told me was my wife and confirmed the same to her, my next step would be to thank the LORD and seek HIM concerning when I should marry her. Date? Yea, we can spend time together, but not in the since of seeing if we are the one for each other, because this the LORD has already confirmed to us. Our dating would be simply enjoying each other's company up until the Wedding Date. Amen.

In the love of CHRIST,


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Posted : 22 Jul, 2009 06:06 PM

dear thaddeus, good advice.. and congrats on findin your one. very happy for ya.

ole cattle

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Posted : 23 Jul, 2009 11:37 PM


Dear cattleman, concerning the "Good" Advice, to GOD be the Glory.

Oh, thanks for the "congrads" but I was just giving a "for instance".

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Marriage Proposals...
Posted : 25 Jul, 2009 01:34 PM

Wow! Thanks for the insight and replies... I've pretty much learned to not take things seriously, especially things like that. I agree we are living in a microwave generation. Fast food equates to fast people? NOT...

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