Author Thread: What is courting?

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What is courting?
Posted : 9 Apr, 2018 04:58 PM

When a man says he is looking for a marriage partner, does that mean he is ready to court a woman? What is courting? How different is it from dating?

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What is courting?
Posted : 11 May, 2018 07:21 PM

Thank you Mavie2018. I really appreciate the clarification you added to this important question.

zsoltx, you always give a practical analogy. It takes some maturity and readiness for a guy to actually know the purpose of why he does things in his life. Each encounter/date to you is purposeful and ends up in either: 1) nothing, 2) friendship only, 3) next step to possible marriage. The third category requires validation with the Father as it progresses. It may very well end in marriage. If not, nothing is wasted because there are lessons learned, experiences gained, all important in molding you as you reach the end you are after, marriage. That really helps me a lot... It helps that we all recognize that this is a process and we all signed up to it purposefully.

Thank you Jesus1st777. As a follow-up question... How does a man decide whether he will start of courting or dating? Like I have the perception that courting is engaged to by a man with one woman only, while dating is with 2 or more women all in the same timeframe because he is in the process of elimination. I guess it is hard for a woman to know and sometimes, we are misled. A woman could be falling thinking she is the only one, then come to find out, she was the one eliminated! I hope the question make sense. ☺

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What is courting?
Posted : 26 Dec, 2018 06:40 PM

HI everyone,

I am a guy, and please allow me to share what i view courtship is

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