Author Thread: What A Man Wants

What A Man Wants
Posted : 23 Apr, 2010 09:31 AM

I recently heard an interesting analogy by a non-Christian male and I'm wondering if there's any truth in it.

He says that far more non Christian men can look at a female and value her worth based more on her heart and less on the physical because finding a non Christian woman with a truly sincere and good heart, whom you can have a solid emotional connection with is so rare, where as sexual experiences are a dime a dozen.

On the other hand, he says that Christian men seek more the physical attraction in a woman because they're used to having spirit filled, emotionally in tune friendships with Christian women, while for many of them pornography may be there only means or standard of a sexual relationship so they tend to seek out women who fit that mold.

Now, I'm not saying he's right or wrong...I just wanna know what you think and if anyone would even admit this if it were true?

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 01:15 AM

I am in agreement with you, brother, but...let's face it...physical attraction plays a big part in relationships. Of course...the Holy Spirit can make the right one stand out with spiritual qualities.

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 25 Apr, 2010 01:51 AM

I would disagree with his assumption that Christian men seek more the physical attraction in a women. Yes as a (fallen)man I can be attracted to a woman because of her looks. But as a Christian I am held by her Christ-like attributes. Also at times her Christ-like attributes can overpower her outward features.

Satan can use worldly men to create just enough doubt in Christian women to turn them away from God's word. Worldly men will play games and tell Christian women that they would make better partners because of whatever reason.

Be wary of non-Christian men trying to lead you astray by injecting false promises.

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 28 Apr, 2010 07:22 AM

Thank you for all your responses. I don't necessarily agree with what he said, I just like to stir the pot a bit and make people think so they can examine themselves and see how they're measuring up...for their own record.

One thing though, he wasn't saying secular men seek spiritual women as much as he was saying they seek the characteristics of spiritual women...a kind, compassionate heart, a dependable friend, someone who is trustworthy and loves them unselfishly. I'm not gonna lie, there are some Christian men who do take these things for granted...but again, you'll find some of everybody everywhere.

I wonder, what would happen if dating sites had no photos and all you could do was get to know a persons heart through their words...could you still find "chemistry" to make you fall in love? If everything were absolutely perfect except physical appearance, could you choose to love them anyway?

My aunt is married to a extremely handsome man, but he was in an explosion where he worked and went from pale white skin to being burnt like tar, beyond recognition ...I know of another man who less than a week after his arranged marriage, his bride was in an accident that made her a vegetable for life. They've remained married over 20 years now. A friend of mine asked him why he stayed because no one would of faulted him if he wanted to remarry and have a family...her family told him to, but he said "She's my wife. I made a commitment...and I love her"

My point is just be careful how much value you place in the physical because it can change at the drop of a dime and often times when it does the sad reality is many marriages do fall apart.

In the words of Lauryn Hill, "What you want might make you cry and what you need may pass you by if you don't catch it. And what you need ironically, will turn out where you want to be if you just let."

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 19 May, 2010 03:40 PM

i recently came across a quote that says "a woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man would have to seek him first to find her" i believe that should also apply to men :)

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 6 Aug, 2010 08:50 AM

Wow, I freely confess that this one kinda stirred me up a wee bit, so I had to step and breathe. ;)

A non-Christian explaining what a Christian man is or is not is kind of an oxymoron! Had this man, like me, been one that had been out there in the world and had come to Christ, okie dokie. But a man still out in the world, having NOT given himself over to Christ is not the voice I wanna hear. But that's me.

A "good heart" in any non-Christian is fine, but it's not enough. A good heart make for fertile ground for the gospel of Christ, but without the salvation and guidance of the Holy Spirit, non-Christians are prone to continue sin for they don't see it as sin. So to say that "non Christian men can look at a female and value her worth based more on her heart and less on the physical because" is a load of bunk! When I was in the world, and if the other men are honest, we talked a lot about a "good woman" and her "heart" with out limited understanding and given the chance, the first opportunity, we were coming out of those clothes.

So a non-Christian man spouting "Christian men seek more the physical attraction in a woman because they're used to having spirit filled, emotionally in tune friendships with Christian women..." is also bunk! How would he know??? Here's a juicy tid-bit for ya, there aren't all that many spirit-filled, bold Christians of ANY gender! If there were, who's to say what we might be talking about here... but I digress.

Bottom line, and maybe this is just me, but everything said by anyone needs to be compared against the biblical principles. Things may sound "right", but as we all should know, Satan knows the word better than all of us combined. So non-Christians explaining ANYTHING to me about my Savior is not a road that I travel any longer. The Holy Spirit....

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 11:14 PM

When a man marries, he marries for life. Esp. for a Christian man. Just because the man's wife (in the lady's illustration) became a vegetable, doesn't mean that he dumps her & get's someone else. What if the man became a vegetable, should the wife dump him? Of course not. A real man would stick with his wife thorugh thick & thin, no matter what. I'm a single man but if I was married, I would stick with my wife come heck or high water. Just my 2 cents worth.



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What A Man Wants
Posted : 18 Aug, 2011 04:31 AM

this is very true and i agree with you bro.

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What A Man Wants
Posted : 16 Jul, 2013 09:07 PM

What a fresh of breath air!

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