Author Thread: Paul Washer on a Mickey Mouse/Britney Spears Christianity

Paul Washer on a Mickey Mouse/Britney Spears Christianity
Posted : 26 Mar, 2009 01:09 PM

I thought I'd share this with you all. I have been through this sermon a number of times and really respect what I am hearing, and thought some of you may be moved by it as well...

...though let me warn you that Paul was not invited back to many of the Youth Churches he was invited to speak at, so their is the warning that he may strike a bad nerve with some of you.

On that note, let me state that I am not Paul Washer, I do not fully live up to Paul Washers standards (on every level that is, though on some I do), but again the relationship with The Christ is personal, it is not my place to bow before man, but to bow before God's Voice within and to that alone...

...that being said, I do not with to anger anyone with this video, to point the finger, or to presume that I am in any way holier than though or what have you. I am aware that I have quite the mountain goat persona going on, and can be quite stand offish at times, so I merely would like to point out that that is not how I care to represent this video. It is for you to take and to chew upon in your own time, in you mind and your own heart with God as your guide...

...again it's personal, so don't take it personal. ;)

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