Author Thread: Do you respond to emails?

Do you respond to emails?
Posted : 4 Apr, 2009 06:24 AM

Hello men, I have a question for you. Thank you for stopping to view my question; I hope you will also take the time to respond. I have been on this site for a few months. I'm very curious about the men responding (or lack thereof) to emails. This is about my experience and I have heard several women say the same: Why is it that many of the men will not even respond or acknowledge an email on this site? I do know there are several men who are regulars on this chat forum and I love that! You are probably the the few that would respond to an email if I wrote you (and some of you have). BUT, a great majority of men won't even acknowledge an email (from me at least).

I know you're wondering, well what am I saying in the email? Here is my typical email: Hello, I read your profile and thought I would stop by and say hi. OR, it was great meeting you in the 'live chatroom', just wanted to say hi. OR, I make a positive comment about something they wrote in their profile. OR I comment in something they said about their relationship with Christ......See, I don't think it's anything indicating 'will you marry me?' OR 'I need a man!' lol--so what am I doing to 'scare' men off? (If anything?). I am definitely mature and capable of taking care of myself, I'm not looking for a man to take care of me. I am looking for 'building chatting buddies, friends, and then wherever God leads.'

Men will usually view my profile and ignore the email. I realize I don't have my picture on my profile, but I send it w/every email I send (or they can read the posts and see my photo too).

I would appreciate if the men (and women if you're reading) would provide some feedback. I'm stepping out on the wire (like Walter did a few days ago) asking you to skin isn't as thick as Walters, but I 'think' I can take And again, I'm really trying to build relationships with great Christian chatters--men and women on this site.



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Do you respond to emails?
Posted : 15 Apr, 2009 12:16 PM

I was just wanting to say that I agree with this. Alot of people sad to say is just out htere to scan profile PICTURES, & that's it. I personally can say truthfully that yes if anyone e-mails me I will wrie you back. I am on this site to hopefully find someone that someday I can call my soulmate. All in all with that being said if I am wanting to find someone rather it be a date or just a friend I would be defeating the purpose if I did not respond to e-mails or read the profiles. In Christ Jesus, Bryan

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Do you respond to emails?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2015 03:40 PM

Yes, I respond to emails. I am actually excited to read email and hoping to meet new people.

Sometimes I responded late due to some reasons i.e. busy at work or to some of my activities or I am far from computer caf� but still I try to catch up.

Even if the email is not a good one, meaning shows no respect on my personal conviction, I still reply respectfully but I know that CDFF admin is strictly filtering all the messages and they actually ban those member who has offensive message toward other CDFF members of which I am grateful to their work. God bless you CDFF Admin!!

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (ESV)

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