Author Thread: Age Difference

Age Difference
Posted : 11 Apr, 2009 04:56 PM

Hello there,

I have been coming here for a few months now and I noticed that some women are open to meeting a mate who can be a lot older (or younger) then themselves. But I also noticed that the great majority prefers to stay 5-10 years within their own age.

I would like to hear other peoples opinion on dating men/women that are 10-15 years older or younger. Do you think it can work? Has it ever worked for you or are you aware of instances where a large difference in age was no obstacle?

Thanks and be blessed in Him!


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Age Difference
Posted : 21 May, 2010 05:54 PM

Age difference expectations are entirely appropriate. The Bible makes this clear in its denunciation of the sin of relationships with children. Not only is it a matter of sin. It is a practical thing as well. We should be wise and guided by the wisdom of the godly and to be married to someone who has comparatively and considerably LESS life experience is likely to mean seriously divergent values and ethics. Not that it would be impossible for God to bring about such a lovely union, but still our approach should be from wisdom. You are asking for trouble if you blindly enter a relationship with no regard to the maturity level and life experience of the other party.

If this is not important then let us all just draw names out of a hat and get married. Duh. Of course not. We must consider things prudently. In the old days someone else did it for a couple (arranged marriage). Wisdom calls for us to think before we take the leap. Count the cost when embarking on a task, consider the other person, think carefully, beyond the mere attraction of "chemistry."

Nevertheless, someone could be EXACTLY your idea of the right age according to the calendar, but still they might be immature relatively speaking, or you might be far too inexperienced in life for them! Or you might have already been through so much that you would just not right for that person.

You are making a mistake if you are expecting some sort of magic match. Be wise, be circumspect and not fools. Obtain a mate in sanctification and honor, AND not in lust of evil carnal drives as those people do who are without God in this world.

It seems to me that thinking in terms of "I don't want to get married to someone who could be my CHILD, or who could be my PARENT," is about the minimum expectation of age differential.

Love the Lord you God with MIND that He gave you. THINK.

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