Author Thread: I need Spiritual warfare prayers please

I need Spiritual warfare prayers please
Posted : 24 Apr, 2014 11:28 PM

I need prayers please. I got recently diagnosed with mild Aspergers and a mild learning disability concerning math and numbers so now finally I'll get the help I need. So the paper work came which I signed and mailed off and what I liked was the Rehab paid for the postage so I didn't have to. Thing of it was is I came to pick up the paper work to sign and mail off and my Mom's eyes went wide and she panicked and yelled at me that I'm not mailing it today. She did not ask or anything like that just basically commanded and demanded that I won't mail it today. But I went ahead and did it anyway because I need the help and I've been waiting for this help a long time and its a blessing and I'm gonna take it. But when I got home my Mom told me I had been arrogant and disrespectful to her and that she deserved better treatment. The way I saw it is I just got something I had to mail to get help I need and mailed it. So the prayers for that are for when appointment's come that GOD help me to get to and from each appointment without any hindrance whatsoever. My family holds over my head that if I go against them they'll take away Church, Celebrate Recovery and Bible study away from me so please pray that GOD will block them from ever being able to do that. My family holds my brother over my head he has sever autism and has the mind of 5 and always needs watching and constant care and its not a problem but my brother can't be left alone he can't take care of himself so they may just go out somewhere and say that I must stay home to watch my brother so that I can't go to the appointments I need to go to so please pray that GOD also blocks them from doing that as well. Also I need you all to please find a few prayer warriors and along with yourself pray some Spiritual warfare prayers as I sense Spiritual warfare happening and more to come and I don't mean just the every day Spiritual warfare as it does happen every day for a Christian but I feel that GOD is gonna do something and I sense that Spiritual warfare like huge big icky powerful Spiritual warfare is about to happen so I need powerful Spiritual warfare prayers. Weird stuff has been going on. The past few nights I have kept having anxiety attacks right before I go to sleep and I feel a sudden distance from GOD and since I'm tired at the time I find it hard to concentrate to even pray even a word to even just say "help" cause I'm tired so I end up panicking instead and I wake up in the middle of the night feeling distance from GOD and feeling He is mad at me for something or sometimes in the night I'll feel really emotional. But when I wake up for the day I feel fine and close with GOD and I know He loves me its just at night there's a struggle going on. My sister told me that before she feel asleep last night she saw a white face she said it looked like a mask. My sister also today had a very sever panic attack and she could feel pressure on her chest and neck and head and even in her ears and she said she felt like her head would explode. My Mom is being tempted again to start smoking she quit and hasn't smoked or even wanted to in about a year I think but now suddenly out of the blue she feels temptation to smoke again. And again I do sense something going on and also something about to happen so again I ask for powerful Spiritual warfare prayers and not just once but if you all could gather with a few prayer warriors a few times over the next few weeks or so I would really appreciate it please.

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I need Spiritual warfare prayers please
Posted : 27 May, 2014 09:39 PM

I will be praying. You should look up Aslans Place and go through the prayers on their site. :prayingm:

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I need Spiritual warfare prayers please
Posted : 30 Jul, 2014 02:59 AM

Anxiety is not of God. God is peaceful and gentle and calm. I know what you are going through because it's happened to me.

Are you having sleep paralysis? Have you been baptized? Do you ask for deliverance? Do you trust in God, i.e. do you know that everything is going to be fine for you? If you are constantly worrying, you are emitting negative energy and attracting the same. God does not want you to worry.

I've noticed you make many prayer threads and I saw one about your addiction to Dr. Who. I am worried for you, and believe that you are focusing your attention on the wrong thing which is reinforcing a cycle of negative emotions. For example, if you beat yourself up over something negative you did, you are attacking yourself, which is negative.

I'm going to guess now, does it feel like you are being tortured? Try not to cloud your mind with negativity and over-thinking.

There are 4 voices in our minds;



The world

Demonic realm/Satan

You will know if the Lord speaks to you. He spoke to me and His voice is loud (louder than your own voice in your head) but very gentle and peaceful.1 Samuel 3. But He speaks to us through signs also and opportunities. The Lord is wonderful, He is not going to harm the people who He loves and who love Him.

If you hear yourself being called by anything other than the Lord, or have urges to do something worldly, it is the world calling to you including things you are addicted to or things to distract you. If you are having sleep paralysis, it ties in with the demonic realm also. You need to ask the Lord for deliverance to protect you while you sleep, so you can sleep peacefully. I found also that sleeping on my side helps.

That just leaves your thoughts and evil thoughts. Ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to discern the things in your mind. For example, it was revealed to me that the 'reptilian brain' or the lower base part of my brain is where negativity, blaspheming thoughts and evil comes from because my attention was resting there and I had no idea why I was trying to pray but evil blaspheming thoughts were there when I was trying to think of goodness. Trying to wrestle with it doesn't work. Instead, I avoided it by raising my attention to the higher part of my brain and now I can pray properly. I know this because it was revealed to me after I was baptized and saved and then I read it in a book on internal alchemy several days later (synchronicity).

In case you were curious the voice of Satan is the opposite of God, it's repugnant and snarling, like a generic monster noise. I was lying in bed being tormented and anxious and couldn't get to sleep, and it appeared in my mind and was horrible, but seconds later the Lord squashed it with His own beautiful voice when He called my name. Such is the power of the Lord, amen.

But I recommend not being curious about evil, because like I explained, you attract what you focus on. I had read much on the occult and was being harassed by evil before the Lord helped me. I failed to realize why I was being attacked.

So basically, if you focus on the world, and have negative thoughts and emotions and reinforce it, it feeds your anxiety and makes it worse.

Focus on the Lord and know that He loves you and that everything is going to be OK. But I had to be baptized and delivered from evil, both of these things are gifts from the Lord.

I hope this helps :waving If you need to ask anything else, drop me a message.

Bless you all.

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