Author Thread: a little sermon on denominational racism..

a little sermon on denominational racism..
Posted : 21 May, 2009 05:59 PM

dear folks , today id like to talk to ya a little about racism in religion.

galatians 3: 26-28 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

yes folks we have racism in our religion.. we still have some folks who are racial as to the color of someones skin. and we also have racism by the different denominations that are out there one can choose to worship under.

acts 17: 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation

see as you can read there in acts 17:26 that GOD made us all one blood for all nations. thats means we are all one big family. i never had it sink into me as hard as this verse did. people we all are made of one blood.. thats kinda powerful when ya go lookin at folks who are different skin color than you aint it.. knowin we all come from the same blood. there is no superior race folks.. treat each other as equals and youll be doin GODS words..

and then we have a form of racism over different denominations.

now we have good and bad folks in all denominations and races. . we know that.. lets get past the race issue and move along to the predjudices of different denominations. in galatians 3:26 - 28 shows that we are all one in JESUS CHRIST. so why do we always have fights over the different belifs and practices of others?

im really not so sure why we have fights over it myself... from what i can see we all have the belief of salvation that comes only through JESUS CHRIST our personal SAVIOR. and we all have examples of sin preached to us. and learned by us all. i mean the bible tells us all how to live and love and treat others.. and also what is bad and good and right and wrong... and our preachers preach from right out the same bible too. so if we all are readin GODS word and doin our best to live by it.. whats the big deal all about? well we all have a denomination of some kind we go to for our church.. its a place where we like to go and share beliefs with likeminded individuals.. now see not everybody has the same exact beliefs.. each individual may not agree with everything that is taught or preached there. but they do like the majority of it or may like absolutely all of it.. and im hopin thats what we all have found in our home churches. so thats where they call home.. their home church... and whats wrong with that? nothing. absolutely nothing. long as its all right out the bible.. and all of the glory goes to GOD ... and everyone is taught that JESUS is the only way to salvation... we are all GODS children once we are born again there is no difference. were all saved.. there will be baptists, pentecostols, and forgive me but i really dont even know the other denominations.. and thats cool because i wont talk down about you. thats not how GOD wants us to be,.. GOD wants us to love each other and focus on HIS works.. not what joe or john over there is doin.. you know i think it all comes down to pride when you see someone attack another denomination. the fact we think we got to be doin it all right and someone else isnt.. and i have been guilty before when someone attacked my denomination for no real reason yes i fought back.. was i right to do that.. no i wasnt.. did i bring GLORY TO GOD? no i didnt.. i would of been better off to of left it alone .. cause see we wound up tearing down 2 denominations then... we doubly wounded the KINGDOM of GOD them days.... we hurt GOD them days people.. and im shamed of my part in it.. but we got to learn from it and move on all of us together.. see my pride wouldnt let me let it go.. see i was proud of my denomination and proud to be a child of GOD. born again ..thank you JESUS... folks everyone is proud of them things too. dont knock another denomination. you make GOD very sad when you do that.. youre knockin down GODS own... now if you get one thats practisin summin not out the bible then id be very worried and move on and not recomend it to anyone... but long as theyre bein fed out the bible GODS words then great..

acts 10:34-36 34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. 36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

now see in this verse it shows GOD is not a respector of persons.. that means no one is any better than another. not a one of GODS children are better than another.. amen so dont think your denom is better than another.. just be thankful were all preachin and teachin GODS word. and that the LOST are bein found.. and GODS workin in all the lands.. these are your brothers and sisters. remember that before you attack anothers denomination..

in other words before you speak ill of another denomination ..think and zip your trap cause GOD dont want you tearin down a whole group of HIS people because of some who abuse whatever . if they aint showin love for one another and teachin JESUS as thier only way to salvation and practicing righteousness then go somewhere else...and dont reccomend em and take all you can with you cause you definitely aint in the right place.. but again i say dont tear down a whole denomination for the actions of a few.. heck ive been to alot of different churches visiting and alot speakin and lots of different denoms i went to and there aint a one i been to i wouldnt go back to.. they all were good folks and teachin GODS word.. remember youre all equal in the eyes of THE LORD.... and when were all in heaven youll see all kinds of denominations all together in one place then..

GLORY BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

ole cattle

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a little sermon on denominational racism..
Posted : 28 May, 2009 08:52 PM

As long as they believe, Jesus is God , the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and salvation through His precious blood, in the father ,son and Holy Spirit are one., We need to make Jesus Lord of our lives,and He is coming again to take His bride home. and there IS a hell ( whether we like it or not)

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