Author Thread: Cosmopolitan Magazine & Helen Gurley Brown

Cosmopolitan Magazine & Helen Gurley Brown
Posted : 30 May, 2009 02:40 PM

Helen Gurley Brown - Turning Wives into Corporate Wh*res (an excerpt from Henry Makow's book: Cruel Hoax)

In 1965, Helen Gurley Brown, the editor of Cosmopolitan, said that a housewife was "a parasite, a dependent, a scrounger, a sponger or a bum."

Brown accused the wife of being a parasite but not a wh*re. Brown respects wh*res. She is one.

In her latest book,"I'm Wild Again" (2000) she tells us right off that in 1941, at age 19 she joined an "escort service" and made out with a 50-year old man for $5.

"Why wasn't I revolted? I was a little but no utterly. I think even then I was a practising realist... I tried to do whatever you needed to survive." (4) (That didn't change.)

She got a secretarial job on the understanding that she would sleep with her married boss and he would "take care" for her in return. This arrangement

lasted for a few years. She describes the routine:

"After cocktail hour we did go to my flat to make love. The lovemaking? ...This was two people c*pul*ting--he seemed to have a good time...Moi learned to fake often and well."(15)

Brown's excuse is that she was helping a mother and invalid sister back in Arkanasas. Right.

She laments she never really got the promised financial payoff for being a mistress: "I needed somebody to tell me how to treat a man in this situation, how to flatter and cuddle and coo.

I should have done it better." (19)

Helen Gurley Brown became that "somebody to tell me how to have done it better." (19)

Helen Gurley Brown became that "somebody to tell me how to treat a man in this situation." (19)

She taught women how to be mistresses, corporate and otherwise, instead of wives and mothers. She helped to transform the female mentatlity from one of devotion and love to

one of a calculating predator.

Here is how she got her husband to marry her.

"You get the hook in. Darling, charming, deliciuos, sexy you, has to have sunk into him so seriously, the hook [is] buried so deep he can't get it out without sever pain, i.e. can't live

without you. You then close in and deliver your ultimatum. I had to deliver mine twice." (27)

While Brown claims she was loyal, she thinks adultery is just fine. The man's wife is to blame if he strays. Sex, Brown says, "is a physical feeling" "it feels good...

one of the best thing we have..." not to be subjected to a "a moral imperative."

[A La Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati motto is "Do what though wilt.]

Suffocating a sexual urge can lead to "twitches, tension or depression" and driving "off a cliff some night." (52) But, like a practised madam, she cautions "never sleep with someone

who has less money or more troubles than you." (225)

Office romances and even sleeping with the boss is just fine as long as you're discreet. (107) She tells her readers to make the boss "look good," let him take credit

for their work, and don't complain about putting in extra hours.

Feminism, it seems, has stolen wives and mothers from families and put them to work for corporations. Instead of following husbands who love them "until death do thee part," women

now obey bosses who pay them for their services and fire them in a downturn.

In Brown's view, if a loving husband provides for a devoted wife, she is a "parasite." But if she is a corporate slave or mistress, then she is "independent and liberated."


In 1952, the Rockefellers annually controlled $250 million dollars of media advertising. Their newspapers and networks hyped Helen Gurley Brown's 1962 book "Sex and the Single Girl" and the movie by the

same name. Millions of single women were told to pursue careers and have sex outside marriage. At the same time, the Rockefellers were funding and lobbying for population control and social engineering.

As editor of Cosmopolitan (1965-97), Brown was a role model and "teacher" for career women in America and around the world (36 foreign editions.) She married at age 37 and remained childless.

"She is arguably one of the most influential women of the decade, perhaps even the century", one women's website gushes."She instruced, helped, advised, cheered for, encouraged,

liberated, and promoted women, giving them new role models to emulate and a new manual for the sexual revolution. Armed with the pill, she showed women how they

...could take advantage of... thier sexual destinies."

Along with Communist activist Betty Friedan and CIA agent Gloria Steinem, Helen Gurley Brown belongs to the triumvirate of modern feminist "pioneers."

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Cosmopolitan Magazine & Helen Gurley Brown
Posted : 30 May, 2009 06:28 PM


Good post!

Just look where all of that feminist garbage has gotten us as a society.

Blessings, Lydia

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Cosmopolitan Magazine & Helen Gurley Brown
Posted : 31 May, 2009 06:29 PM

X - is this a transcription from the video, or is this an article from a magazine, or what?

Interesting and disturbing.


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Cosmopolitan Magazine & Helen Gurley Brown
Posted : 31 May, 2009 10:32 PM

I typed it out from book titled: Cruel Hoax - Feminism and the New World Order by Henry Makow

You can find the book and Henry's rants at:

Welcome to Social Engineering 101. The reversed psychology that has been in use for years, but Sociology and History class never mentioned it to us... hm

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