Author Thread: Would you date someone with a disability/s

Would you date someone with a disability/s
Posted : 2 Jan, 2016 09:48 PM

I got a good question. Would you date someone with one or more disabilitys? And why? Are there certain disabilitys that you would be fine with and other your not?

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Would you date someone with a disability/s
Posted : 3 Jan, 2016 10:03 AM

Something to take on a case by case basis, there is no real rule of thumb for any but a minority. Some people are just vain and want a "perfect" partner, others have a lifestyle and/or nature that makes partnering with others of certain disabilities simply impossible.

With severe disabilities like being a paraplegic though you would need to find a miracle of a partner I think, if nothing else the prospect is just plain too daunting for most people. Another example is a 50 jr old dating a 40jr old with the mental capacity of a 15jr old.... unless they are very very lucky it will be a very very creepy situation.

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Would you date someone with a disability/s
Posted : 3 Jan, 2017 09:27 PM

i have aspergers and i have been judged cause of my disability. that and also being in a rural area,with no good women around to date,that has made me bitter and sad over being alone,while my friends are mostly married or in relationships. even my mom and sisters have someone. even here i have been judged in some form cause i'm disabled and have little money. i have thought of giving up looking for love and may just ask a nun to be my companion and help take care of me when i have no family to do so in later years.

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