Author Thread: a little sermon on, are ya scairt of bein tested?

a little sermon on, are ya scairt of bein tested?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2009 04:33 PM

dear folks, today i wanna talk to you some about being tested..

we all tend to get a little anxious when it comes time for testing. i remember in school i would work up quite a sweat when it came time for a test to be given.. even if id studied hard and was well prepared which wont too often hehe.. so there i was just a sweatin away cause i knew a test was comin.. in todays world we have all kinds of tests. some are in school. some are for job applications and some are for job advancements.. and what nots .. but there is some tests comes to all of us christians.. one is when GOD will test us..

lets look at the test of the rich young ruler..

matthew 19:20 the young man said to HIM all these things i have kept from my youth .what do i still lack?

matthew 19:21 JESUS said to him if you want to be perfect ,go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me.

matthew 19:22 but when the rich young man heard that sayin . he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions.

the other is when satan will test us. now we will know the difference between the two by this. satan will always tempt us by tryin to bring out the evil in us as to destroy us. his whole purpose is driven by his wickedness and rebellion against GOD.

now GOD will never tempt us to do that which is evil. GOD will never lead us astray.

james 1:13 let no one say when he is tempted ;i am tempted by GOD, for GOD cannot be tempted by evil nor does HE HIMSELF tempt anyone.

see GOD will not lead us astray. GOD is driven by HIS love for us. and thats even when GOD is chastining us.

hebrews 12:5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons, my son do not despise the chastening of the LORD ,nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by HIM.

hebrews 12:6 for whom the LORD loves ,HE chastens,and scourges every son whom HE recieves.

so what do you think of the test that JESUS gave the rich young ruler who sought out JESUS to teach him.. i mean JESUS was standing right before him and told him what to do.. and the young man who had so much was not willin to go and sell all of his great posessions and give it all away to the poor and come and follow JESUS and store up treasures in heaven.. his heart was heavy when he walked away as he could not pass the test.. what would you do? would you pass the same test? JESUS was standing before him.. now today we believe in JESUS but he is not standing right before us. so we have to work off of that we know who JESUS was and is. we cant see HIM standing right before our very eyes. so we have to work off of our faith... would you pass that test today? how strong is your faith.. now i have pretty strong faith but if JESUS wanted me to do that today i must admit HE would have to bout hit me over the head hard for me to know it was HIM for me to step out in that faith. so i know i have alot more work to do on building up my faith.. and GOD knows too. because it shouldnt be that way.. because if we are to pass that test then if HE tells us to do it or puts it in your heart to do it then if you have a strong faith and are gonna pass the test whatever it may be you have to step out in faith and do as HE says... not have to be hit over the head to be made to do it.. right? ? so lets all pray for more strength , stronger faith and the will to live righeous amongst men. so we will have the ability to pass the tests when they are given to us.. and make GOD proud of us.

remember this james 4:7 therefore submit to GOD . resist the devil and he will flee from you.


ole cattle

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a little sermon on, are ya scairt of bein tested?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2009 04:40 PM

great post! sometimes I think people tend to stay in there comfort zone of what they already have. I know I do and find it hard to give things up when I've been used to them for so long.

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a little sermon on, are ya scairt of bein tested?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2009 04:41 PM


Amen, a good word my brother.

YSIC, Lydia

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