Author Thread: break up over this 1 question

break up over this 1 question
Posted : 26 Dec, 2016 07:12 PM

Does God want Christians to prosper and be financially blessed?

Let's say you met the right guy. He is perfect, everything you have been looking for. BUT when this one question comes up, you totally disagree. It's like you're world apart. And you have totally made up your mind one way, and he has made up his mind the other way. Can't ever change that. So, what do you do? Get married or break up?

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 28 Dec, 2016 07:38 PM

The only real question that one can not change is this, "is Jesus your Lord and Savior?" If someone says no, then you would be unequally yoked.

The car's color, the house color, the transgender argument is not about eternity for the individual who is not contemplating this. Everything else would be weighed with this in mind, does this question decision glorify God or not? If this doesn't glorify God then don't even entertain the idea.

Simplicity is God's way, so does this question glorify God or not?

Stay if we glorify God, leave if the issue does not glorify God.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 28 Dec, 2016 07:44 PM

God died so that we might be free. Freedom is a state of mind, not having a gold lined pocket. Read the gospels, some of the followers prospered and some did not. Truth be told we are to rejoice in what ever state we are in. This question is silly in my mind to even entertain the idea of splitting with someone you love because you don't agree on a question that does not determine or negate eternity.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 28 Dec, 2016 08:02 PM

If you have $5000 saved up in the bank, it can glorify God if you give it away to charity or missions. But it can also glorify God if you save it up for retirement. What you believe about money is going to determine what you will do with every dollar that comes in. How are you going to spend it? How are you going to save it? It's all determined by our beliefs about money.

Keep in mind that a lot of marriages fall apart because of money. Many people get married with the idea that the only thing that matters is love. They say, "we love each other and we love God. So, let's get married!" So, they get married, and then they discover that one of them wants to get rid of money, and the other person wants to save up money. They may discover that they want two entirely different lifestyles. ...and later they get divorced. Marriage is a serious thing. We need to THINK first and ACT later. So, I think, I would break up if I discovered that my partner and I disagree over this. But probably I wouldn't get into a relationship in the first place if I already know that her views are different than mine. But sometimes we discover some important things in the last second. :-/

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 1 Jan, 2017 04:40 PM

If you converse with God first, have His stirring within you on what He said to you through the Holy Spirit confirmed not once but at least thrice and guess what. You won't marry for yourself but for His glory. The $5000.00 is petty cash to God Who owns the universe, we've had someone put that in our collection box this week, I believe God moved that person to do so.

Anyway we need to be in relationship with God first, the person we date needs also to be in relationship with God. I am so bold as to say I doubt the percentage of Christians who marry do so without talking to God first about this, it is staggering. I believe there are many people who call themselves Christians don't actually converse with God on a daily basis. I am speaking only from my own experience. I've told/conversed with professing Christians who don't actually believe in the power of prayer, I've heard them condemn other Christians who they feel have gone astray. I've done this myself (talked negatively about other Christians), but I am forgiven.

Marriage is supposed to be forever; man's flesh is sinful and finite.

We make mistakes. Christ died over 2000 years ago and we are forgiven before we even commit the sin.

Walk in the freedom Christ died for, ask forgiveness and as Jesus said to the adulterous woman, go and sin no more.

The money question should have been discussed before the walk down the aisle.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 5 Jan, 2017 04:09 PM

Ok. Let's say you have been friends for 3 months. You are dating now. This question comes up. You realize you hold totally opposite views. You try to convince him. It doesn't work. He tries to convince you, and it doesn't work. Do you break up over this issue or agree to disagree and continue dating as if nothing happened? I would like other women to answer this question, too. If you are reading this, hit "reply" now.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 21 Feb, 2017 06:24 PM

One does not need to know the question in order to support you with an answer. I will give you an example of my own experience and then you decide if a couple can be together and support and love each other in their sameness and in their differences.

I was getting to know a gentlemen. After about six months of meeting about three times a month, he shared that he doesn't believe in God but really loves that I do. He believes in UFO's-now I'm not sure you can call that a faith but I gave him some grace. He was always supportive to me through many difficult times, often finding bible verses to comfort me. And I would look into UFO activity or meetings that he might be interested in attending. I didn't Bible Thump him and he didn't wrap me up in tin foil. We still get along today. It's been three years. It has never been a source of agreement but one of learning. He asks me what the bible says about things and I find the answer for him.

With that being said-it is the approach and the way one responses to the other that says a relationship can handle differences. If one gets their feathers all stirred up and the other eggs them on and tries to defeat the other-no it is definitely not a good match. If you seek to support and please each other-then stick with it. But BOTH of you have to feel it. Not just one of you.

Hope that was helpful.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 13 Mar, 2017 08:21 AM

Honestly you need. To have a indepth conversation over the issue that is of disagreement. Sometimes you can reach a compromise. Marriage is very much about give and take. Relationships are always going to be about trials. You have yo find away to make Love get you thru all the speed bumps and things you won't agree on. You are not always going to agree on everything. If you did Life would be very boring. Remind yourself why you love this person. Why is this issue so important to you.also try and see why this issue is so important to the other person. Pray aboutthe issue at hand.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 20 Apr, 2017 10:58 PM

If you are physically attracted to each other, you can easily decide to go out that soon but not always the case. If you fight over money and are not both aware that it is the root of all evil, or for some other reason after seeing for more than 3 months, you need space to think over whether to discontinue the relationship or remain friends. Some date for the sake of dating nothing more but If you agree to pray together to receive His blessing, even if it take years to know if you are meant for each other, you will know that this is the Lord's will. It is best to wait for His timing.

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break up over this 1 question
Posted : 29 May, 2018 11:03 AM

Having a difference of opinion is not a reason to break up because its part of every relationship. You have to be able to talk about every and anything with your other half and sometimes you just have to agree to disagree.

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