Author Thread: Sabbath 2/24/18 Seventh Day Baptist of Edgewater FL, Pastor Dave S. of Rhode Island sermon �Less Talk and More Action�

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Sabbath 2/24/18 Seventh Day Baptist of Edgewater FL, Pastor Dave S. of Rhode Island sermon �Less Talk and More Action�
Posted : 24 Feb, 2018 01:29 PM

Sabbath 2/24/18 Seventh Day Baptist of Edgewater FL, Pastor Dave S. of Rhode Island sermon �Less Talk and More Action�, II Peter 1:3-11


God wants people to act out their Christianity and not just be talking about it. Actions like doing good deeds for others. This does not save us because only Jesus Christ can save us. The ONLY way to be saved is by having Faith in Jesus. There must be evidence of our Faith through our Faith actions. Jesus is playing for keeps! Church is not a game or a social thing we play or a political thing. Church and Christianity is for Real!!

Jesus is playing for keeps and this eternal life thing that He give us is the real deal. We have an obligation to share Jesus with others and let them know about the gospel. To be a Christian is being a �little Christ� or being like Jesus or being a follower of Christ. Now, a lot of people like to follow Christ as long as He doesn�t go anywhere. Where Jesus goes, we have to go too. Some of us want an intellectual Faith with Jesus but we don�t want to do anything to live out our Faith.


* God has given us everything we need for a life of godliness. The Holy Ghost inside us equips us, empowers us to live out our Faith. We can walk like the Lord.

* Verse 5 says make the effort to add to our Faith. We have to do something and work the things that God calls us to do. Adding to our Faith, growing in the Lord means to add: goodness, knowledge, self-control, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. Looking out for each other, being neighborly and helping out is brotherly kindness.

* Perseverance can be added to our Faith. It comes from the Power of God. When we get knocked down, get back up and ask God for help. Make every effort when we get discouraged to persevere and go on. When Jesus moves, we move.

These qualities will increase as we continue in the Lord. This is a journey and walk with the Lord. We should continue to grow in the Lord. If these qualities are not increasing in us, then we are dying in our walk. These qualities should be in our Faith. We don�t want to be an unproductive servant to the Lord Jesus. Don�t cool off for Jesus!

We must decide to be effective and productive for the Lord. When we have contact with people, they should know we have Faith in Jesus by our lifestyle and behavior. We need to make our life and our Faith with Jesus sure and concrete so we don�t fall. We need to give our heart to the Lord so He can seal it. We are all prone to wander so we need to stay tight with God and Jesus. We do this so we will get welcomed into Heaven with a �Well done by good and faithful servant�. Less Talk and More Action for Jesus!!!


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