Author Thread: why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!

why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 06:42 AM

Ok ladies, since my last two post about this got so much attention, let's try it one more time. Let's say you have a guy over here who sincerely treats you and your kids like y'all are valuable and precious. He goes out of his way to help you pay your bills, buy your kids school supplies, give you money to do special things with your kids, tells you and shows you all the time just how special you are but you're not physically attracted to him. On the other hand you have another guy that you are physically attracted to but he treats you like you're worthless, want help with any bills, doesn't put in any effort with your kids and won't take you any where. Which man do you choose? And why? Thanks for your answers in advance

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 09:11 AM

Neither one, I think that to remain single would be a perfectly good option in this situation.

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 09:47 AM

Honest follow up question here. At what point do you set down and ask yourself "am I pouting to much emphasise on physical attraction"? Just curious really! I mean, Does physical attraction mean so much that you would pass on a guy that treats you so great? I'm talking about some scrub who is faking, I'm talking about a guy who has proved his kindness in everyway possible. God bless

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 09:49 AM

Putting not pouting (in previous response).

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 02:38 PM

If I didn't like the guy I wouldn't put myself in a position to know how he would treat me. I think it's important not to lead people on, so I wouldn't socialise with them and I certainly wouldn't accept any gifts.

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 27 Oct, 2018 04:46 PM

Thank you for your response. God bless

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 28 Oct, 2018 02:14 PM

You talk about buying things for people -- I think anybody would feel somewhere between intimidated and threatened by someone who gave them more material/tangible things than they are comfortable with, because it makes the relationship lopsided. There's a middle ground to find between doing nothing and doing too much. I know for me that would be hard to find. I think someone who started giving me TONS and TONS of material things while in the beginning stages of getting to know me would sort of scare me and I might back off.

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 28 Oct, 2018 03:03 PM

msm94520, you make a very valid point and I agree that if that was the case it would be a little to much to digest. However, you have to remember that there is several different time frames when a lady can determine that a guy is to "nice". Some ladies will go out with a guy for a while then all of a sudden say "you're to nice". Other times they will date for up to a year or so and say "you're to nice". Some women love the attention at first then say "you're over bearing" and "I can't handle that". Some women like a rose or 12 a few times a year but not once a week or even once a month. Some women enjoy a letter, note or poem every so often but God forbid you do it to much. Some women want even look twice at a guy who even slightly says any kind of romantic gesture. My point is there is all kind of scenarios where the nice guy gets rejected and at various points in a relationship. It's almost like some women have to give themselves time to see if they are physically attracted to somebody. It's especially frustrating when you been dating a while and treat a woman like a queen just to be dumped. I hope that sheds a little more light on the subject. God bless

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 29 Oct, 2018 01:07 AM

I worked with a guy at work that would just give you stuff and he did it as a way to manipulate people into feeling that they owed him. I never accepted stuff from this guy because of that. It is best to be wary of someone trying to do stuff like that.

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 29 Oct, 2018 05:11 AM

Dave1976, is that your reason for rejecting Mr Nice Guy? So, if he gives you a gift you're not going out with him? Does that one man make all nice guys evil? God bless

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why reject Mr. Nice Guy? part three!!!
Posted : 29 Oct, 2018 06:19 PM

I am not gay so I just want to clear that up if anyone sees this and starts to wonder. This was a buddy buddy guy that like I said was very manipulating. There are alot of bad people out there that try to pass themselves off as nice people when in reality they are wolves in sheep's clothing. This also includes women as well. All I am saying its best to have your guard up.

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