Author Thread: Supernatural Photograph

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 26 Nov, 2019 09:05 AM

I have a photograph I would like to share with everyone, one that I have kept to myself for over a year now. I believe that the photograph has captured something supernatural, but not in the sense that there's a transparent ghost floating around in it. However, the photograph is very interesting and could probably help us better understand the spiritual world. Any idea on I could bring it to public notice?

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 26 Nov, 2019 05:54 PM

Like a giant walking marshmallow? If so, I'll take two of them with some graham crackers and hot fudge. :)

Serious, if you want to share a photo, maybe load it to a file/photo site. Maybe something like dropbox.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 29 Nov, 2019 09:34 AM

The picture shows what I like to call an "interdimensional being". I also had it analysed to confirm that it wasn't some illusion or a trick of the light.

What site would you recommend?

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 29 Nov, 2019 11:27 AM

Maybe try Flickr or Photobucket, but there are a lot of them out there.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 29 Nov, 2019 09:17 PM

As Christians, we should be wary of "spirits." The only disembodied spirits are God, the hosts (heavenly/fallen), and those who've gone to heaven or hell. God has heavenly hosts guide His children to heaven, and those who don't know Godcas their Father to Hell. Without that guidance, demons roaming the realm will attack human spirits, feed on it, and spiritually torture in ways I can't discuss here. But I've heard the personal accounts by those who've made the mistake of entering on their own.

The spirit realm is NOT a domain for human spirits. If you captured something, it's a demon. You need to ask yourself what door you opened, and ask God how to pray to shut it. Demons are tricksters. They can shapeshift, just as heavenly hosts can take on human form. I could go on about this, but it delves into some deep, dark stuff.

You may think this sounds bonkers, but western Christianity and modern Christianity have been so watered down when it comes to the supernatural, that the idea of how demons behave, and how middle eastern culture accepted demons as gods, aren't properly explained.

The word demon used to have positive connotations in pagan religion. They would be ghosts, vampires, werewolves/otherkin, and pagan deities.

I'm only going into this, because even remotely entertaining this notion of ghosts is enough curiosity to get you involved in new age/occult practices. I've seen Christians open doors to the spirit realm and invite demons, thinking they were worshipping God.

Please, please be careful. I'm not some condemning bible thumper. I'm genuinely conserned for your safety. I'm never one to condemn others. But if you still view me as a debbie downer, I guess it can't be helped. I feel personally responsible for your well being by seeing this and ignoring it.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 30 Nov, 2019 06:31 AM

The place where I live is owned by the Church actually, but it indeed is a paranormal hot bed, It's also older than our country. Almost everyone who has come here or lives here has encountered the most active entity here, a 10ft tall faceless hooded man (kind of like a Nagul from LOTR) you may think I'm making this up but I'm super serious, even the Arch Bishop has seen it. This thing is more of a shapeshifter, sometimes he's 10ft tall sometimes he's as tall as a boy... sometimes he appears without his robe which people have described him as being completely covered in fur. over the years he has done many strange things from eating our food (and the teeth marks revealed that he has pointed teeth) to even writing.

Though he has never been caught on camera because he somehow knows that we've got a camera, me and my cousin managed to recreate what it would look like if he did show up on camera. No tests have ever been conducted in this building except for those done by me.

He has never done any physical harm or spiritual harm, he has only played pranks on us or tried to scare us. But all of us living here have become stronger than it spiritually and are now able to scare it away.

What I captured in a photograph is all by accident. this "entity" is not even in the shape of a human or any known animal, and is very tiny almost a few millimeters in size. Thankfully the picture shows great detail.

There are also many other unexplainable events that happen here such as certain parts of the building being flooded with the smell of Jasmine with no cause at all, Poltergeist activity, things completely disappearing, and also electrical anomalies.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 30 Nov, 2019 09:48 PM

Yup, it's a demon. Demons can take on any form, because they were once angels (more accurately, hosts). If you do a lot more research on this, you'll discover that demons have been taking the form of pagan deity since before Babylon.

You'll do well to watch the content from Fourth Watch Films, and their radio network. Justen and Wes Faull have had similar encounters. They talk about them in a few interviews and guests spots on Skywatch. One of the first encounters was when they ran into a demon-possessed woman who seemingly teleported. In reality, I believe that demons are able to travel at a speed we can't detect, because they (angels and demons) were created as one level above us.

There's so much with demonic activity that no one in America, possibly the UK, and more "cushy" countries are prepared to understand. Our scripture has been watered down because people are too scared to discuss these things. We can call them entities, ghosts - whatever - but in the end, they're still demons.

The reason for my earlier warning is because you CAN and probably WILL open up more doors for demons to enter through if you're not careful. It sounds like someone already has, if they keep encountering a hooded figure, and everyone sees the exact same description. Every ancient religion has very similar origin stories for their deities, and very similar counterparts. They just take on different forms based on what those people would fear, respect, and serve. A hooded figure is pretty much a staple form of fear, from the grim reaper to modern horror films.

There are accounts of people capturing these entities on video. If you look up the shadowy walking tree figure, you'll see what I mean. The guy was so fixated on a glowing orb changing color, it's like he missed the tree walking away. It's only because of his attention being elsewhere during filming, that I don't believe that video was fake.

I say all this as someone who's been a skeptic for years. I never used to believe in any of this. I downplayed what kind of power demonic entities have. Granted, that means heavenly hosts have that power too, but backed by God's authority. And that means our God is so much more powerful than these entities. But that's why I keep stressing caution. Curiosity, when unchecked, can be very dangerous.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 30 Nov, 2019 09:55 PM

Oh, I meant to note as well: just because something's owned by a church or "the church" doesn't mean the place is protected by God. Back where I used to live, there was a popular "prosperity gospel" church that had a satanist serial killer living in its back yard. If they were truly in tune with God, why did that keep going on? If you're referencing the Vatican, there's a whole rabbit trail on the Vatican and how it isn't godly at all.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 2 Dec, 2019 09:52 AM

Our societies are split into two. Half of the people believe in religion and God, the other half believes in science. I believe that both science and religion go hand in hand. And to me God and angels and demons are great "scientists" as well as possessing great spiritual powers.

Despite both science and religion being equally important, people still tend to stick to one. Religious people deny what science says, scientifically thinking people deny what religion says... So I've been figuring out a way that shows a connection between the two, a "bridge".

We humans are one of these bridges... since we are able to interact with both, the physical world and the spiritual world... and it is through us that demons can interact with the physical world (possession) but using a human as a bridge is difficult, because here the human who experiences these things cannot share his/her experience with someone else... like when someone sees a dream and tries to describe it to someone else... the listener cannot fully understand or "experience" what the other person is telling them. This also makes it much harder to study these two worlds. That's why I'm trying to figure out someway through which we can objectively study these two worlds... opening a door the way you put it doesn't sound that bad (and sorry if I'm not making sense )

There is something really cool I've learnt about the photograph I took. Our human eyes can only see visible light, but our cameras can also see infrared light which is invisible to the human eye... So it's quite possible the what I captured in my photograph is something that gives off infrared light rather than visible light... and if that is so then we could quite possibly use infrared cameras to see into this "other world". Maybe that can be the bridge, just need to point the camera in the right direction.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 21 Dec, 2019 01:54 PM

Yes, i was saying the same. Over the years, i learned that "ghosts" are actually demons. If comes in the form of a person, then that person's soul is most likely in hell. Always rebuke them in the name of Jesus and pray for discernment.

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Supernatural Photograph
Posted : 21 Dec, 2019 01:54 PM

Yes, i was saying the same. Over the years, i learned that "ghosts" are actually demons. If comes in the form of a person, then that person's soul is most likely in hell. Always rebuke them in the name of Jesus and pray for discernment.

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